
Two vice-chancellor candidates to meet the consultative assembly

Published: 26 October 2018

The recruitment group has decided to call two candidates for the consultative assembly hearing on 12 November. The candidates are Karin Holmgren and Maria Knutson Wedel.

The hearing is part of the recruitment of a new vice-chancellor for SLU. The consultative assembly has 45 seats and is an advisory body to the recruitment group and the SLU Board.

Karin Holmgren was born 1959, PhD in Natural Geography from Stockholm University (SU) 1995, Professor of Natural Geography at SU 2005-2016. Professor of the same subject at SLU since 2016. Deputy Vice-Chancellor of SLU since 1 March 2016.

Maria Knutson Wedel was born 1963, PhD in Physics from Chalmers 1996, Assistant Professor in Engineering Materials at Chalmers since 2008. Vice President of Education and Lifelong Learning at Chalmers since 2012.

"There was a strong agreement in the recruitment group to call these two candidates," says Rolf Brennerfelt, chairman of the recruitment group.

Read more about the recruitment process at

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Contact person concerning decisions and choices:
Rolf Brennerfelt, Chair of the University Board

Contact person concerning the process:
Sune Lindh, Academy Secretary, tel 018-67 10 12, 070-52 49 948