
SLU Urban Futures Director co-editing JoLA issue - submissions welcome

Published: 17 October 2018

JoLA (Journal of Landscape Architecture) invites submissions for a special issue that explore landscape design as a societal and political project. Lisa Diedrich, SLU Urban Futures Programme Director is co-editing the issue together with Greet De Block and Vera Vicenzotti.

For whom?

The aim of the issue is to position the question ‘For whom?’ central within landscape architecture as a design discipline, by recasting landscape architecture’s agency for a decidedly urban project, embracing concepts that articulate spatial reflections of sociopolitical priorities and agendas.

They seek

(a) contributions that critically assess how the good and the
bad of present landscapes built under the banner of new
-isms affect different social groups;

(b) studies that unpack political agendas and their spatial responses in landscapes imagined or built in the past;

(c) papers that speculate about the potential of landscape design to formulate alternative urban futures, or indeed
new political imaginations and/or imaginaries.

Read more about the call for papers by clicking on the green button above.

Abstract: 15 November 2018
Full papers: 15 February 2019
Publication date: issue 3-2019


Lisa Diedrich, Professor

The Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU, +46 40-41 54 24