
Playgrounds, improved GIS-tool and power over urban green areas

Published: 11 December 2017

Three projects receive a total of 150 000 SEK in seed funding for transdisciplinary research applications within sustainable urban development.

– All three granted proposals contribute with important perspectives on sustainable urban development, says Josefin Wangel, vice director for SLU Urban Futures. Since the proposals are yet to be submitted we cannot say more than that they deal with playgrounds, improved GIS tools for planning and power over urban green areas.

For those that didn’t manage to take part in this round there will be a new opportunity in relation to the Formas call “Syntheses and research projects for a sustainable spatial planning” that opens December 14th.

– We will try out a diversity of seed funding during the coming year, says Lisa Diedrich, program director for SLU Urban Futures. Apart from seed funding for writing proposals we will also announce travel grants and grants for writing popular scientific texts. We will also use part of the budget for an “open” call to which SLU employees can suggest their own ideas within the thematic area of the platform.

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