Registration: via email to Henrik Böhlenius no later than 15 September.
More information in the attached syllabus
The student must be enrolled as a doctoral student or the equivalent of 120 higher education credits. The course will be offered in English if required. The course contains lectures, exercises held on the Alnarp campus 5 October, 25 October, 17 November, 12 January and 2 February 2016. The lecturers and exercises can be followed on videolink as well.
Learning objectives
The aim with the course is to introduce basic generic skills that are needed for research within the field of forest management. Focus of the course is on data-management, analysis of large data and field experimental research design. The course will also give the students an introduction to long-term experiments and train students to retrieve information from earlier published research results.
The teachers of the course will be active researchers from the forest faculty situated both in Umeå, Ultuna and Alnarp and will thereby also increase the students research network to other campuses. We will aim for an equal distribution in gender between the teachers.
After completing of the course, the student will:
Credits: 9 ECTS for doctoral students, 7.5 for students on master level
Registration: via email to Henrik Böhlenius no later than 15 September.
More information in the attached syllabus