24 Oct


Autumn webinar about forest damage

seminars, workshops |

SLU Forest Damage Centre invites you to an autumn webinar on 24 October, where you have the chans to listen to our researchers and learn about the latest results from various projects in the forest damage field. Time permitting, you will also have the opportunity to ask questions to the researchers.

The projects being presented are funded by the SLU Forest Damage Centre and started in 2022. The main laungage for presentations are Swedish, with some exception.

Register to the webinar here.


  • Åke Olson, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology. Project: Molecular quantification of airborne fungal spores collected in spore traps.

  • Patrick Sherwood, Department of Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre. Project: Testing seed treatments to reduce famage by pathogenic fungi in conifer seeds. 

  • Therese Löfroth, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies. Project: Pest Management and forest biodiversity in the selection system.

  • Francisco Gil (Rosario García Gil), Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology. Projekt: Assessing drought tolerance and foliar fungal diversity in Scots pine planted stands.

  • Daniel Gräns, The School for Forest Management. Project: Development of alternative measures to control liverworts infections during seedling cultivation and storage.


Time: 2024-10-24 13:00
City: Online
Organiser: SLU Forest Damage Centre
Price: Free of charge


Note: all the times are preliminary and approximate. Changes may occur. 

13:00 Welcome

13:05 Presentation 1 + Questions

13:28 Presentation 2 + Questions

13:51 Presentation 3 + Questions

14:14 Presentation 4 + Questions

14:37 Presentation 5 + Questions
