City: Zoom
Organiser: SLU
A sustainable transformation needs to reduce car dependency. Worldwide there is a growing awareness about the positive effects of car-free urban settings on e.g. reduction of air pollution, freeing space for e.g. green structures and spaces for play. Researcher Nina Vogel tells us about this experiment 11 March.
The project mainly aims to develop new knowledge about how car-free urban areas (here so-called summer streets) have been developed and implemented and how this is experienced by users in terms of environmental opportunities and obstacles to human mobility.
The Zoom link: https://slu-se.zoom.us/j/62194029198
Nina Vogel is a researcher at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management. Nina Vogel is acting Programme Director of research platform SLU Urban Futures.
Here you wil find the spring programme and how to register for the lecture
Worth knowing – Short lectures about SLU research.
Kee Lundqvist
kee.lundqvist@slu.se, 018-67 10 97
Mårten Granert-Gärdfeldt, communications officer
Communications, SLU
marten.granert@slu.se, +46 18 67 16 77, +46 72 243 85 95
Lousia Hatamian, librarian
Library, SLU
lousia.hatamian@slu.se, +46 18 67 23 93, +46 72 454 10 18