Finding a job, degree projects/Independent projects

Last changed: 10 June 2024

Time to start looking for a job or degree project/independent project? Where should you begin?

Today there are many routes to finding a job. It is important that you do your research and keep up to date with conditions on the labour market and in the industry. Use as many channels as possible, particularly the contacts in your network, to increase your chances of getting that dream job. Here are some tips on where to look for job vacancies.

Degree projects/Independent projects

The degree project (independent project) represents an important part of your study programme. Here you will find information that you may find useful both before and during your degree project.

Job advertisements

Do some research and find out who is hiring right now. Gröna Jobb  (Green jobs) is Sweden’s biggest website for job advertisements in the green industries. You will find links to other job websites on the right of this page.

Recruitment and staffing agencies

You can often register yourself and your CV on their websites and some also allow you to register for job monitoring. This is a good way of finding out straight away when there are vacancies that match your profile.

Network and contacts

Use your contacts and your social network when looking for a job. Tell them that you are looking for a position and ask people to ask around in their networks. Many jobs are not even advertised, with appointments made from within the company’s contact networks. Do not hesitate to contact interesting employers and register your interest. But, as with all contact with potential employers, make sure you have done your homework and prepared your questions properly before you call.

Social media

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, for example, can open doors to a new job. But be careful how you express yourself. While it is a good thing to be able to reach lots of people, it can also be to your disadvantage. If a company searches for you online, you want them to have a serious impression of you as a person.

Contact companies directly

Do research on companies in both the private and public sector that you would like to work for. Visit their websites, read about the company and the industry. See if they advertise vacancies. Some companies have special pages aimed at students and recent graduates where they illustrate the opportunities available at the company, such as a trainee programme.

Vacancies are not always advertised and so a spontaneous application can be worthwhile. You should be aware that this places extra demands on your application. It must arouse interest and clearly present why the employer should hire you. Then follow up with a phone call in order to try and get to a meeting.

Apply for a trainee position

A trainee position is a good start to a career and is a way of getting into a company when you are a recent graduate. Trainee programmes vary but generally include a combination of theory and practice. You are usually able to do a rotation around the different departments of the company, while some provide the opportunity to work abroad. Before you accept a trainee position, it is important that you check up on the employment conditions and that you are guaranteed a job after completion of your traineeship. More information can be found at TraineeGuiden (in Swedish but with ads in English).