Supporting documentation

Last changed: 11 October 2024

Visit the programme pages on to find out about the general and specific entry requirements. The final application date for the academic year 2025/2026 is 15 January (2025), and all supporting documents must be submitted by 3 February. Documents submitted after this date will not be processed.

General information 

You must submit all the necessary official certificates and transcripts to University Admissions in Sweden. 

General information for students applying to:

Master’s (second-cycle) programmes

Bachelor’s (first-cycle) programmes

Please note, if you are applying for courses and programmes at Bachelor’s level, you must submit your final upper-secondary school grade transcripts. You cannot apply if you are still studying for your upper-secondary qualifications.

Supporting documents, CV, portfolio, statement of purpose (personal letter), letters of recommendation, etc.

Most programmes do not require any additional documentation such as a letter of intent or recommendation letter. If you submit these documents, they will not be considered. However, you must submit additional documentation if you are applying to the following programmes:

Landscape Architecture for Sustainable Urbanisation

Landscape Architecture for Sustainable Urbanisation

You must submit a portfolio by 3 February 2025. To read more about the programme and portfolio instructions, visit

Sustainable Development

The Master’s Programme in Sustainable Development is a joint programme between Uppsala University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). To read more about the Master’s programme, including application information, visit:

AFEPA, EMAGB, EmPLANT+ and SUFONAMANA European Master’s programmes

Click on the links below for information about the European Master's programmes, how to apply, scholarships and eligibility.

  • Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis (AFEPA)

The AFEPA is a two-year double degree programme involving SLU and three other renowned European universities together with three associated partner universities in Europe, Africa and South America. Applications to the Master’s programme are to be submitted via the AFEPA Consortium. For more information on how to apply, please visit the AFEPA website:


  • European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EMABG)

This joint Master’s programme involves SLU, Wageningen University, the University of Göttingen, AgroParisTech, the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna. In their first year, students study in either Wageningen or Göttingen. The second year is spent at one of the other universities, depending on the chosen specialisation. More information, including how to apply before the 15 January deadline.


  • Erasmus Mundus Master’s Programme in Plant Biology  (emPLANT+)

The second year of the Erasmus Mundus Masters programme in plant breeding,  emPLANT+ is spent at a partner university. Applications to emPLANT+ are to be submitted through the consortium homepage, where you can also find out more about supporting documentation:


  • Master of Science in SustainableForest and Nature Management (SUFONAMA)

Please note that there is no admission to the Erasmus Mundus Sustainable Forest and Nature Management programme for the 2023 academic year. A call for students’ applications to SUFONAMA is expected in November 2023, for the programme start in September 2024. You can read more on 




Study and career guidance

You can ask the study and career counsellors about the courses and programmes at SLU and which ones might be right for you. We can also help you towards achieving your future goals, with your study environment, and discuss your career opportunities after graduation.

You may be able to find the answers to your questions about the university and our programmes on the frequently asked questions page about studies at SLU.

Book an appointment
Call or email us to schedule an appointment. We also offer guidance via telephone or online meetings.


+46 18 67 28 00 

Telephone hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10.00-11.00

Admissions Office

Ask us about applications and admissions to programmes and courses at SLU. You can email us on or use the contact form.

If you have questions about tuition fees, please email:

+46 18 67 28 00

Telephone hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00-11:00