What is Thesis Day?
Thesis Day is about making a scientific poster of your degree project and celebrate your academic work. It is a great way to learn more about SLU:s various research areas, win an award, hold an oral presentation, and to meet and network with other students, staff and alumni. It is also a way for SLU to spread the knowledge that comes out of your independent/degree project to a broader audience and give SLU an opportunity to celebrate and put a focus on your fantastic research projects.
Who can participate?
All students at SLU who write their degree project or independent project during the current academic year are welcome to participate in Thesis Day. Go to the poster presentation page to find out how to participate and about various awards available.
Information about degree projects/Independent projects
The event is open to the public to attend.
Poster exhibition
All students at SLU who are writing their degree project or independent project during autumn 2024 and spring 2025 are welcome to participate with a scientific poster of their degree project. There will be sessions on how to make a scientific poster of the findings from your project. The Thesis Day team will print all posters and put them up for the poster exhibition on the actual day. You are encouraged to stand by your poster during the poster exhibition.
Submission due dates:
Ultuna: 20 May 2025
Alnarp: 27 May 2025
More information about making a poster and support.
- Best poster award
All posters submitted by the due date are part of the best poster competition. An academic jury will review the posters and present the award during the events in Alnarp and Ultuna. - Global Sustainability Award
How can your thesis save the world? Pitch the essence of your thesis to show how it helps meeting the Sustainable Development Goals to a jury of SLU alumni from a broad field of expertise. - Oral Presentation during Thesis Day
Thesis day also gives you an opportunity to present your project in front of an audience. It is a very useful experience and you will get a lot of support if you are selected to make an oral presentation. The Thesis Day project group select 4-5 projects at each campus. If you are interested in presenting, email us at thesisday@slu.se.
Detailed information about criterias, dates and deadlines for posters and awards
Thesis day is a live event at Alnarp and Ultuna campuses with oral presentations and awards, followed by networking and celebration.
Ultuna: 28 May 2025
Alnarp: 5 June 2025
11.30 Poster exhibition opens
13.15-13.45 Academic jury assessment and students expected to stand by their poster
14.00 Student presentations, awards and closing ceremony
15.30 Mingle and celebrations
Programme format (2024 programmes): Alnarp - Ultuna
Alnarp: Closing ceremony for graduating students
Following Thesis Day, there will be a closing ceremony in Alnarp for registered students and their invited guests.
Invitations are sent out during spring semster. For questions regarding the programme, please contact Katrin Larsson Litsfeldt.
Ultuna: Ulls hus
Alnarp: Alnarpsgården
Invited guests
Remember to invite your family and friends, as well as any external contacts. SLU alumni, employees and external contacts are invited and encouraged to attend.
Support and seminars
During the year, we host various sessions on study techniques, procrastination, getting started with your thesis, how to create a scientific poster, etc. There are also sessions on how to improve your LinkedIn page, starting a business in Sweden, etc.
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