Landscape Architecture - Master's Programme

Published: 21 March 2025

This webpage is for students on the Landscape Architecture - Master's Programme.

Here you will find information about the programme, your course schedule, contact information, and the documents that regulate the education. Navigate by clicking on the headings below.

Visiting hours: Wednesdays 13.00-16.00, please book a visit by e-mail:



Welcome letter Autumn 2025

Congratulations on your admittance to SLU and the Landscape Architecture Master’s (LAM) programme! We look forward to welcoming you to Alnarp, Sweden this autumn.

The autumn semester 2025 begins with roll call and study information on campus.

Date: Monday 1 September

Time and place: On the pages for new students, you will find information when the roll-call for your programme begins and which room the roll-call will be in.

On these pages, you will also find all the information you need as a new student at SLU, including information about the Orientation programme. The Orientation programme is not mandatory but we recommend that you attend them. It’s a great opportunity to provide essential and useful information about your stay in Sweden and your studies at SLU.

Your first course will be Explorations into Landscape Architecture, LK0432. On the course page, you will find a schedule for your classes and other course-related information. Please note that there is one roll-call for the programme and another one for this course. Schedules and reading lists will be published at least four weeks before the course starts. Timetables and reading lists will be published at least four weeks before the course starts.

We will do our best to make the upcoming two years exciting and rewarding, perhaps also a bit challenging, but definitely fun! We will always have your best interest at heart, but we also ask of you to take responsibility for your own studies and accomplishments.

During your time at SLU you will experience a wide range of courses related to landscape architecture. You will meet teachers and students from different disciplines and backgrounds and in collaboration with those continuously build your knowledge and skills towards a master’s exam in landscape architecture.

We wish you all the luck for the upcoming two years and am looking forward to seeing you in Alnarp. Should you have any questions, don’t hestitate to get in contact with us!

Once again, welcome to SLU!

Anders Larsson & Linn Osvalder

Directors of Studies


Admission to latter part

Here you will find information about admission to latter parts of SLU programmes and how you apply.

In spring semester 2025 there are no available places on the programme.

  • Year 1: 0 places
  • Year 2: 0 places


If there are more qualified applicants than available places when the application period has ended, than the applicants are ranked according to how many credits they can transfer to the degree. When the applicants have equal credentials, lottery is applied.

Courses and prerequisites, portfolio instructions

As student on the programme you are automatically admitted to the first courses of the semester:

  • Explorations into Landscape Architecture, 15 credits
  • Landscape Theory in Architectural and Planning Practice, 15 credits

As of the 2nd semester, some courses are elective. This means that you apply for courses for each semester at

In addition to being admitted to the programme, students need an approved portfolio for some of the courses. The eligibility requirements are described in the course syllabuses. Instruction for the portfolio: 

The following courses have a portfolio requirement:

  • Digital Landscape Visualisation (autumn semester)
  • Studio Project – Transforming Urban Landscapes (autumn semester)
  • Studio Project – Large Scale Structures, Analysis and EIA(autumn semester)
  • Studio Project - Site, Concept and Artistic Design Methods (spring semester)
  • Studio project - Composition, Materiality and Design practice (spring semester)

The Course schedule shows which courses are offered and when.


Course subject area and level

Course syllabuses provide information about a course’s subject area(s) and its level and specialisation. The syllabus is available from the course’s webpage which you can search for here. If you are studying on a programme, you can in most cases click the course heading on the programme’s course schedule to go to the course page.


  • G1N: First-cycle level, only upper secondary entry requirements
  • G1F: First-cycle level, fewer than 60 credits from first-cycle courses as entry requirement
  • G2F: First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement
  • G2E: First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement, contains a degree project for the Degree of Bachelor
  • A1N: Second-cycle level, only first-cycle course(s) as entry requirement – at SLU, a minimum of 120 credits at first-cycle level is required
  • A1F: Second-cycle level, contains degree project for
    Master’s degree (60 credits)
  • GXX: First-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified
  • AXX: Second-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified

Programme courses academic year 24/25

Year 1

Urban Landscape Design

2025-01-20 - 2025-03-24
15.0 hp
Beskrivning av grafiken nedan

Theme course 2025

2025-03-25 - 2025-06-08
15.0 hp
Beskrivning av grafiken nedan

Year 2

People and Environment

2024-11-01 - 2025-01-19
15.0 hp
Beskrivning av grafiken nedan

Urban Landscape Design

2025-01-20 - 2025-03-24
15.0 hp
Beskrivning av grafiken nedan

Theme course 2025

2025-03-25 - 2025-06-08
15.0 hp
Beskrivning av grafiken nedan

Programme courses academic year 25/26

Year 1

Urban Landscape Design

2026-01-19 - 2026-03-23
15.0 hp
Beskrivning av grafiken nedan

Theme course 2026

2026-03-24 - 2026-06-07
15.0 hp
Beskrivning av grafiken nedan

Year 2

People and Environment

2025-11-03 - 2026-01-18
15.0 hp
Beskrivning av grafiken nedan

Urban Landscape Design

2026-01-19 - 2026-03-23
15.0 hp
Beskrivning av grafiken nedan

Theme course 2026

2026-03-24 - 2026-06-07
15.0 hp
Beskrivning av grafiken nedan

If you would like to apply for this programme
This page is for students currently studying on the programme. If you are not currently a student but would like to apply, you can read more about the programme’s content and the application process here.


  • This programme is taught in English.
  • The name of the programme in Swedish is masterprogram i landskapsarkitektur.


Programme Director of studies - Landscape Architecture

Caroline Dahl, PhD, Depart. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management and Head of Movium Think Tank
Telephone: +46 (0) 72-213 15 30

Deputy programme director of studies

Anders Larsson, Lecturer
Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management
Anders Larsson, +46 40415437, +46708278884

Deputy programme director of studies

Linn Osvalder, Lecturer
Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management
Linn Osvalder, +46 40415456, +46730921612

Contact the education officer if you have any questions about study programme regulations. Helena Elofsson, phone +46 (0)40-41 5463, E-mail: Helena Elofsson

Contact the education administrator if you have any questions about LADOK registration, certificates or courses. Jessica Jonerheim, phone +46 (0)40-41 5014, E-mail: Jessica Jonerheim

For information about credit transfer, please mail to: