Natural science
Natural science is a branch of science concerned with the description, prediction, and understanding of natural phenomena, based on observational and empirical evidence.
Plant Biology for Sustainable Production; admitted up to autumn 2022
This webpage is for students on the Plant Biology for Sustainable Production - Master´s Programme. Here you find information about the programme, welcome letter with core information, your course
UPSC Öppet hus
UPSC Open House On Saturday, 19th of October between 13:00 and 16:00 o’clock, we at Umeå Plant Science Centre will open our doors for you and celebrate the 7th Fascination of
The effects of climate change on lake Mälaren Please see the Swedish version of this page for more information about the programme and how to sign-up. Mälarens vattenvårdsförbund Stockholm and online Elin Ångman,
Euroforester - admitted to 2023
Information for students within the Euroforester Master's programme. You will find information relevant to the programme, contacts and documents. If you would like to apply for this programme This
Conservation and management of Fish and Wildlife - admitted to 2023
This webpage is for students in the Conservation and Management of Fish and Wildlife Master's program. Here you find information about the program including the welcome letter, your course schedule,