SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
Libraries and opening hours
The summer is soon here, and that means limited opening hours, extended loan periods and slightly longer waiting times for requested material.
We are reducing our staffed opening hours and during July, the SLU libraries will be largely unstaffed. But as a student or employee, you can enter the library with your access card just as usual.
Our digital customer service with chat and telephone will be closed for most of July, but we will answer all emails throughout the summer.
See current opening hours here: Libraries and opening hours.
During summer, we have longer loan periods for course literature. Books with a normal loan period of 8 or 14 days can now be borrowed for the whole summer. The due date will be 3 September.
Due to the reduced staffing, it will take longer than usual to process loan and article requests. From the middle of June to the middle of August, it will also not be possible to request books from the SLU University Library in Skinnskatteberg or the Flyinge Equine Library.
SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
Libraries and opening hours