
The Swedish Research Council rejects application for research infrastructure

Published: 26 September 2019

We have today been advised by the Swedish Research Council that our application for Funding of research infrastructure of national interest has been rejected.

The application concerned an amount of MSEK 90 for the coordination of existing competencies and skills to form a joint national research infrastructure for clinical and experimental research using large animal models. In the application is incorporated the SWECCLIM (Swedish Experimental Clinical Center for Large-Animal Innovative Models).

The project constitutes a joint venture by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala University, the Karolinska Institute, the University of Gothenburg, Linköping University and the National Veterinary Institute (SVA).

If Swedish Research Council considers that there is a continued need for a structure like SWECCLIM, we will look into whether there is a shared interest in applying again when the next call is published.

For more information about the project, go to: