
Time to submit nominations for the 2018 SLU Medals for Distinguished Service

Published: 17 April 2018

SLU is awarding its three Medals for Distinguished Service for the ninth time. All employees can nominate candidates until 30 April.

The SLU Board instituted these medals in 2009, and they were awarded for the first time in 2010. The SLU Board also decides who will receive the medals. There are three different medals.

The Medals for Distinguished Service

  • The Great Medal for Distinguished Service is reserved for research efforts deemed "remarkable from an international perspective".
  • The smaller gold medal is given to award "exemplary, exceptional efforts of lasting value".
  • The silver medal goes to a young, promising talent, for example "within the area of innovation and collaboration".

More on the SLU Medals for Distinguished Service.

More on the SLU Medals for Distinguished Service.

Nominate someone

All SLU employees have the right to nominate someone for the awards. Nominations must be submitted in writing, a maximum of two pages, and contain both a presentation of the nominee as well as a justification.

Send you nominations in a sealed envelope to Registrator, Box 7070, 750 07 Uppsala on 30 April at the latest. Write "Nominering förtjänstmedalj"on the envelope.


Sune Lindh, Academy Secretary 
Vice-Chancellor's Office, SLU                                             , +46 18-67 10 12, +46 070-524 99 48