If you have questions about the new web send an e-mail to
On June 1, The SLU web sites changes both in appearance and functionality. The change means a lot of improvements, including responsive design to make it easier to go surfing from a mobile or tablet. On the student web we have made it easier to reach study-related information and other frequently visited sites directly from the start page.
SLU has 560,000 web visitors per month. Of these, about 135,000 use tablets or mobile phones to access our sites. The responsive design means that the appearance of the content will change and adapt depending on what screen size the visitor is using.
We have also made the programme pages and all course pages responsive so that students easily can view study-related information from your phone and tablet.
You will experience a whole new website structure. Mega menus are used for easier navigation, there are several headings on the horizontal menu bar and you can open mega menus with one click and get a quick overview of the contents. In that way, you can get to the right page without having to go through one or several intermediate pages.
The new websites are easier to survey and structured with clear headings and an easier-to-read typeface.
On the student web you will see that we added shortcuts to frequently visited pages and systems at the top of the page in a separate block. Here you can:
If you log on to the student web, you will also see which program you are admitted to and courses that you are registered on. By clicking on the courses you are registered on, you will easily reach the course page.
If you have questions about the new web send an e-mail to