11 Sep

Webinar on Zoom

How can we produce food throughout Sweden in the shadow of climate change?

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Lonely yellow rape seed in dry soil. Photo.

We welcome researchers, other staff and students at SLU to this internal webinar within SLU's series of "Climate Conversations". On this occasion, the focus will be on the possibilities to produce food in all of Sweden in the shadow of climate change.

There will be opportunities for all participants to interact and share reflections.

Invited speakers

Professor Markku Rummukainen

Markku Rummukainen is a climate researcher and professor at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC) at Lund University. His research is about the development and evaluation of advanced climate models, as well as their use for climate projections and scenarios and studies of climate effects in the wake of climate change. He engages in collaboration with societal actors in various sectors and activities and has extensive experience as an advisor and expert, for example in the UN climate negotiations and the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He is now an active member of the scientific committe of EEA. 

Markku Rummukainen will talk about the climate change we are already experiencing today, what it looks like in the longer term and what significance it can have for food production in northern Sweden.

Professor Stefan Jansson

Stefan Jansson is Professor of Plant Cell and Molecular Biology at Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC), Umeå University. His research deals with how plants capture sunlight and use it in photosynthesis, and genetics and genomics in trees. UPSC is a collaborative effort between Umeå University and SLU and is one of the strongest research environments for experimental plant biology in Europe. UPSC conducts research of both basic and strategic importance and covers a wide range of disciplines in plant biology including ecology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry, cell biology and molecular biology.

Stefan Jansson will talk about how UPSC and Umeå University together with SLU want to increase research on food production in northern Sweden.

Professor Jennie Barron

Jennie Barron is professor of agricultural water management at SLU. Her particular interests include development and transformation of agro-ecosystems and landscapes, through water and land management, policy engagement and capacity building, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. In her research, she uses both empirical approaches and models, often in collaboration with researchers in other disciplines as well as with farmers and decision-makers.

Jennie Barron will talk about climate related water risks in Swedish agricultural production and how Sweden’s food security can be boosted by handling these risks.

Join the conversation!

Meet the future platforms and SLU Global over a cup of coffee before the webinar

The registration to the networking opportunities with coffee and a light snack at the campuses in Umeå, Alnarp and Uppsala is now closed. If you have registered, the information on where the fikas are can be found in the email with the link.



Time: 2024-09-11 10:00 - 12:00
City: Webinar on Zoom
Organiser: SLU Future Food, SLU Future One Health, SLU Urban Futures, SLU Future Forests and SLU Global
Additional info:

Language: English

Host, moderator and speakers


SLU Future Food is a platform for research and collaboration to develop knowledge, solutions and innovations aimed at ensuring that the entire food system is characterized by economic, ecological and social sustainability to overcome tomorrow's challenges. The research addresses both plants and animals, from the smallest molecules to global systems.

SLU Future Forests is a platform for interdisciplinary forest research and research communication. The platform is a collaboration between SLU, Umeå University and Skogforsk. We are one of SLU's four future platforms.

SLU Future One Health is a strategic platform for interdisciplinary research and collaborations that provides knowledge and solutions to good health and welfare for animals and people in sustainable ecosystems. More content is available on the Swedish page.

SLU Urban Futures is a strategic platform that develops and strengthens transdisciplinary research, education and collaboration in sustainable urban development.

SLU Global is a unit at the Vice-Chancellor's Office that supports and facilitates the university's efforts to collaborate with low-income countries and regions, based on the Global Goals of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

Background to SLU's Climate Conversations

Between 2021-2023 IPCC launched its sixth assessment report, presenting the current scientific knowledge on the physical science basis, mitigation, impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. The first part by Working group 1, received a lot of attention in Sweden and globally when it was released summer 2021. Prior to the sixth assessment report, the last IPCC assessment report came in 2014 and provided the scientific basis for the Paris Agreement.

SLU Global together with SLU’s four future platforms - SLU Future Food, SLU Future Forests, SLU Future One Health and SLU Urban Futures - took the launch of the IPCC reports as an opportunity to increase the scientific conversation about climate change across disciplines at SLU, by hosting a series of webinars for SLU-staff, as well as webinars open for a wider audience. The initiative is ongoing to keep the dialogue alive.

Upcoming and previous climate conversations

Here you can find more information about SLU's series of climate conversations, both previous and upcomping events. The webinars open for everyone are recorded, if you are interested to watch the recordings, please contact us and we will send you a link.


Climate conversations 11 September at 10-12 on Zoom

  • Welcome by SLU's four Future Platforms and SLU Global
  • Presentation by professor Markku Rummukainen, Lund university
  • Presentation by professor Stefan Jansson, Umeå University
  • Presentation by professor Jennie Barron, SLU
  • Discussions

Networking coffee on site before the webinar (at 9:15-9:45). Sign up using the form.