City: Ultuna
Welcome to this spring's docent lectures at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences 13 March.
You can also see the lectures vi aZoom. Here is the link https://slu-se.zoom.us/j/63365273066
Password: 755762
Sal L, Undervisningshuset, Ultuna
Santanu Basu in the subject Food Science.
The art of applying science of texture to food product development.
The lecture is in English.
Johan Blomquist in the subject Economics.
Economics research for sustainable fisheries.
The lecture is in English.
Lorenzo Menichetti in the subject Soil Sciences.
The potential and limits of SOC decomposition theory.
The lecture is in English.
Stephanie Leder in the subject Rural Development.
Translocal water governance in the face of global change: the role of gender and social relations in sustaining collective irrigation systems.
The lecture is in English via zoom.
Eva Enström
Adminstrative Officer
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, SLU
eva.enstrom@slu.se, +46 18-67 12 02