6 Oct


Lectures by SLU´s new honorary doctors, 2023

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Lecture in 2019

SLU warmly welcomes you to attend the lectures held by SLU's new honorary doctors on Friday 6 October at SLU Uppsala. The lectures are open to the public and will be webcast.

The popular science lectures are open to the public and will take place in the Loftet lecture theatre at SLU Uppsala, Duhrevägen 8, on Friday 6 October. The lectures start at 9.00 and finish at 14.00. Three lectures are given in English, three in Swedish, as is evident from the lecture titles below.


09.00 Den hållbara urbana växtbädden
Björn Embrén, trädspecialist, Agronomie hedersdoktor

09.30 Insects, odors, and pest control
Research Director Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly, Honorary Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

10.00 Coffee break

10.30 Förebyggande och kontroll av smittor, dopning och djurvälfärd
– hästsportens veterinära grundbult
Peter Forssberg, överveterinär, Veterinärmedicine hedersdoktor

11.00 Tillämpat och långsiktigt – forskning på längden och tvären
Lars Ericson, agronom, Agronomie hedersdoktor

11.30 Lunch break

13.00 Discovering how plant roots use hormones as proxies
to sense environmental stresses
Professor Malcolm Bennett, Honorary Doctor of Forest Sciences

13.30 Why we should all love insects
Professor Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson, Honorary Doctor of Forest Sciences


Do you want to print the programme? Print the programme as pdf

If you cannot attend in person in Uppsala, the lectures will also be webcast (starts on 6 October at 9 am). Recorded versions of the lectures will be published after the event.

Read more about this year's honorary doctors, find the webcast and much more on the webpage for this year´s doctoral award ceremony

We hope to see you there!


Time: 2023-10-06
City: Uppsala

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