City: Uppsala
The aim of the Nordic Congress of Wildlife Research is to bring together all those active in wildlife research and management to meet and discuss challenging issues in wildlife ecology and management in a broad sense. This includes natural and social scientists, wildlife and land managers, political decision-makers and anyone else working with related questions, e.g., at non-governmental, governmental and intergovernmental organisations.
Students and staff at SLU are welcome to listen to the key-note speakers (in Aulan), without registration.
9:00 – 9:40 Chronic Wasting Disease, an emergent health threat to European cervids - Jørn Våge
9:40 – 10:30 Hunting strategies and management of chronic wasting disease in cervids - Atle Mysterud
9:00 – 9:40 African swine fever– before, beyond and between the four epidemiological circles - Erika Chenais
9:40 – 10:30 Social scientific perspectives on the management of conflicts between humans about wildlife and management - Juliette Young
9:00 – 9:40 Introductions and invasions of mammals - Kjell Danell
9:40 – 10:30 Past experiences and future challenges: Research and the Conservation of Woodland Grouse in Europe - Ilse Storch
Information and registration: www.nkv2022.se
The congress will be hosted in cooperation with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management and the National Veterinary Institute.
Information and registration on the web site of the Nordic Congress of Wildlife Research 2022
Henrik Andren, professor
Department of Ecology
henrik.andren@slu.se +46 (0)581-697302, +46 (0)70-2184406