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Department of Ecology

There are 9 pages tagged with Department of Ecology:

Crop protection futures in agriculture-en

Crop protection futures in agriculture futurefood@slu.se Crop production is the vital basis for our food system, but the current set up is highly dependent on inputs of chemical pesticides and

Urban Forests - Green & Blue Infrastructure for Urban Health and Well-Being

Green & Blue Infrastructure for Urban Health and Well-Being hanna.weiber.post@slu.se The spring semester's third and last webinar in the series on urban forests, arranged by SLU Urban Futures and

Urban Forests -A more diverse forestry

A more diverse forestry hanna.weiber.post@slu.se Helena Dehlin is a Nature Conservation Specialist and responsible for issues related to Green Infrastructure at the Swedish Forest Agency. Helena

Urban Forests - Johan Östberg

The tree population of Swedish cities – development and challenges during the past five years viktor.karlsson@slu.se The webinar series on urban forests, arranged by SLU Urban Futures and Future

Future analysis of the management of urban forests

Future analysis of the management of urban forests viktor.karlsson@slu.se The webinar series on urban forests, arranged by SLU Urban Futures and Future Forests, closes the autumn webinars with a

Adaptive governance of urban green spaces across Latin America – Insights amid COVID-19

Adaptive governance of urban green spaces across Latin America – Insights amid COVID-19 hanna.weiber.post@slu.se The webinar series on urban forests, arranged by SLU Urban Futures and Future

Urban Forestry and Green Infrastructure – a historic perspective

hanna.weiber.post@slu.se The webinar series on urban forests, arranged by SLU Urban Futures and Future Forests, continues with a presentation by Anders Lindhagen from the Department of Forest

Bringing wildlife ecology, health and management together

Wildlife congress - listen to the key-note speakers without registration anna.lundmark@slu.se The aim of the Nordic Congress of Wildlife Research is to bring together all those active in wildlife

Worth knowing Carl Lehto

Worth knowing: Friluftslivets landskap - vem är var, och varför? vartattveta.umea@slu.se Carl Lehto, Doctoral Student at the Department of Ecology, SLU, gives a lecture on “ Friluftslivets
