City: Uppsala
On November 8th the successful Case evenings will return, this time at Knightecs office together with Mercodia. We invite students from Uppsala university and Swedish university of agricultural sciences to meet up, share ideas and discuss challenge-driven cases from the business sector.
The case evening aims to connect different parts of our local Life science ecosystem. The goal is to create a meeting place and generate innovative ideas. In addition to that, we want our guests to have a great time and be able to express their ideas in an open forum.
During the evening representatives from the participating parties will each present a case directly ascending from the industry to the students. Students will solve the cases together and get the chance to mingle with other students, and representatives from STUNS, Knightec and Mercodia.
Please note that you have to register or sign in to our community database (If you already are a registered member, please press forgot password, and a new one will be sent to you), before you can register to our events or answer our surveys.
Then, the you will find the registration link on the Home section – Received invitations.
If you have any trouble please contact fanny.blom@stuns.se