City: Umeå och Uppsala
Location: SLU-biblioteket
SLU-biblioteket, Umeå och Uppsala
Bring your lunch to the library in Umeå or Uppsala and listen to an episode of SLU's new podcast about open science. Afterwards there is an opportunity to meet the people who make the podcast and discuss the episode and open science in general.
In the new podcast Open Science talks - a podcast about open science, Tomas Lundén, Hanna Östholm, Jennifer Salomonsson and Cissi Jansson from the SLU University Library examine open science from a broad SLU perspective. The episode we will listen to is approximately 35 minutes long and is about citizen science. Guests in the episode are SLU researchers René van der Wal and Tomas Brodin, as well as teacher Mimmi Hök whose class participates in the citizen research project Forskarhjälpen.
Read more and listen to the pod: Science talks – a podcast about open science.
The event is part of the SLU Library’s Open Access Week 2022 programme. To learn more about Open Access Week, please visit www.openaccessweek.org.
SLU University Library
library@slu.se, 018-67 35 00
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