26 Aug
27 Aug

Zoom, Alnarp

MSc thesis presentations

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MSc thesis presentations at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.

MSc thesis presentations that you can follow in Zoom, for the link please contact giulia.attocchi@slu.se.

Thursday 26 August:

10.00 - 11:00 David Erik Höglund “Development of decision support for small forest owners”

11.00 – 12.00 Mareen Schlätel “Protection of cultural heritage in forestry in southern Sweden”

(12-13 break)

13.00 - 14:00 Alina Sayn “The effect of forestry and cervid densities on annual growth of shrub species”


Friday 27 August:

10.00 – 11.00 Karin Pershagen “Vitality of Sycamore maple in southern Sweden”

11.00 – 12.00 Emily Delin “Comparing proportions of forest carbon sequestration in above-ground carbon pools under varying stand conditions”


Time: 2021-08-26 10:00 - 2021-08-27 12:00
City: Alnarp
Location: Zoom
Organiser: Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
