City: Zoom
Welcome to the Spring Docent Lectures at the VH Faculty, May 19, 2021 via Zoom Webinar
Here is the schedule
Pia Gustås in the subject Clinical Science specialization surgery.
Veterinärmedicinsk sportmedicin och rehabilitering
– en evidensbaserad klinisk approach.
The lecture is in Swedish.
Isabel Blanco Penedo in the subject Clinical Science specialization Epidemiology for Sustainable Production Systems.
Veterinary Health and Welfare Epidemiology for Sustainable Production Systems.
The lecture is in English.
Registration is required in order to join the webinar. Here is the link for registration
Note that the link does not work until the lecture is starting.
Both lectures are broadcasted live, but will be recorded and shortly available on SLU Play.
Sarah Hedenskog, Adminstrative Officer
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, SLU