
SLU Mobility team is hiring 2-3 Study Abroad Ambassadors!

Published: 19 April 2024

The Mobility team is part of the Division of Educational Affairs. We are looking to hire a small team of students who have previous or ongoing international mobility experience.

Application deadline: 2024-07-31


Together with the Mobility Team, the SA Ambassadors will raise awareness about the various international opportunities available to students at SLU.

Examples of activities

  • Taking part in the welcoming activities Autumn semester 2024
  • Taking part in information meetings organized by the Mobility team
  • Short classroom visits
  • Organizing activities for new international students on campus
  • Conducting campus tours and taking part in pop-up events
  • Social media posts and digital marketing for study abroad
  • Your own activities to inspire other students to go abroad!


In order to apply to join the team, you will need to be a registered student at SLU during the academic year 2024/25, and match at least 1 of the following 4 criterias:

  1. You have completed (or are to complete) an academic exchange of one or two semesters at one of SLU´s partners.
  2. You have completed an Erasmus internship.
  3. You have conducted your degree project abroad.
  4. You are an international master student starting the second year of your program at SLU.


Your application should consist of two parts:

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. A video of 3-5 minutes containing the following information:
    • Which of the above stated four criteria you match.
    • Your international experience.
    • What you believe the benefits are of an international experience in your education.
    • Suggestions on possible activities/events that would contribute to informing students about study abroad opportunities, or widening participation.

Additional guidelines for video

You may speak Swedish or English. Emphasis is placed on your presentation skills and not the production quality of the video. You can use any video equipment you like, but you should be visible on the screen and be heard clearly. Send the video to

Type of employment

Hourly employment, each member of the team is expected to work approximately 40-60 working hours total during the academic year 2024-2025. The students can be stationed at any one of our three campuses Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala.

Deadline for application: 31 July (ongoing recruitment)

Salary: The hourly rate is 150 SEK / hour.

Starting date: Autumn semester, shortly before term