Room booking Uppsala och Umeå:, tel: 018-67 20 10
Room booking Alnarp:, tel: 040-41 55 70
At SLU there are several different types of rooms that students can use, e.g. lecture rooms, computer rooms, group study rooms, etc. Those rooms are reserved through our room booking system TimeEdit.
Through TimeEdit you can reserve group study rooms at the following locations:
To reserve a group study room do following:
More information about how you can view schedules and make simple reservations in TimeEdit can be found in this manual.
Please read the reservation rules that are shown on each reservation page before you make a reservation.
To gain access to certain rooms, such as computer rooms, during the evenings and weekends, you need to use your access card. The card is personal and you collect it at SLU Security.
Room booking Uppsala och Umeå:, tel: 018-67 20 10
Room booking Alnarp:, tel: 040-41 55 70