Report an accident or near miss

Last changed: 27 November 2024

If an accident occurs during the lesson, first report it to your course leader. Then make an incident report. It is important to also report near misses, i.e. when a dangerous situation arises which could have led to an accident. SLU uses the IA system for incident reporting.

To report deviations/near misses has the purpose that SLU shall become aware of near-accidents and actual incidents within the field of safety, health and environment so that remedial actions can be taken.

Do you have questions about reporting accidents or near misses?

On this FAQ website, you can find read more and find a about reporting injury etc. You need to log in with your student account to read the FAQ.

When should deviations/near misses be reported?

Ideally, you should report an incident as soon as possible after it takes place. This is to ensure you have a fresh memory of it and to enable those responsible to act and inform others if necessary.

About the IA system

SLU uses the IA system (Information om arbetsmiljö - Work environment information) to support systematic work environment management, that is reporting, following up and taking action to remedy any work environment incidents.

The system is web-based and has been developed by AFA Försäkring together with the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation and the Council for Negotiation and Cooperation. The government sector has access to the system through the Central Government Social Partners’ Council, which also provides information om systematic work environment management.