In case of emergency or accident

Last changed: 11 March 2025

Please note that contacting SLU’s on-call crisis management team is not the same as calling 112. For immediate emergency assistance, call 112.

There are four crisis teams at SLU

  • Alnarp crisis team
  • Umeå crisis team
  • Uppsala crisis team
  • SLU’s strategic crisis team includes the following people: Vice-chancellor/deputy (chair and convenor) Deputy vice-chancellor Head of university administration Deans Head of communications

The crisis teams and/or their members can be reached by calling SLU’s on-call crisis management team on 020-67 68 00. If possible, inform the course coordinator, head of department or equivalent.

An emergency operator will answer. Tell them what has happened and who or which crisis team you would like to talk to. They will then help you find the right person to contact. When contacting SLU’s on-call crisis management team, you must state who you are and how to reach you.

When should crisis management be activated and step in?

For obvious reasons, all possible scenarios cannot be listed here. The list below includes examples of when crisis management steps in:

  • Sudden violent deaths at SLU, or which affect us as a public authority.
  • Serious crime that affect individuals or our organisation.
  • Major accidents (with/without personal injury) such as traffic accidents, fires, etc.
  • Events that pose serious threats to individuals or our organisation.
  • World events that may affect the university employees and students.
  • Serious events that can cause serious damage to people’s trust in SLU, e.g. shortcomings in the exercise of official authority, in the environment/work environment or in IT and information systems and the management of such systems.
When does crisis management NOT step in?

Crisis management does not normally step in for situations such as the examples below, even though they can be considered serious to individuals and/or operations. Such events and incidents are handled within the regular organisation or operations with support from specialist functions such as the Division of Human Resources, the Division of Communication, SLU Security, etc.

  • Employee matters such as conflicts, etc.
  • Individual employees’ or students’ personal tragedies (deaths, illness, etc.).
  • Other events or incidents that are limited or which can be handled with regular resources with support from specialist functions.

Other support functions for students