Contact us
The Mobility team are here for all students in all faculties at SLU. We provide information about studies abroad, select and nominate students, make scholarship payments, etc. You are always welcome to contact any of us!
Drop in hours
Drop in on Zoom Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30-13:30
Passcode: 134165
The mobility team
Emma Capandegui, Team leader, Staff mobility, ELLS, Agreements
018-67 10 26, Uppsala
Jenny Larsson, Outgoing exchange coordinator, ICM, On-site coordinator in Alnarp
040-41 50 06, Alnarp
Sara Engblom, Incoming exchange coordinator, On-site coordinator in Alnarp, 040-41 51 06, Alnarp
Emma Ericsson, Internship for outgoing students, ICM
018-67 10 09, Uppsala
Erasmus coordinators
We work closely with the Erasmus coordinators at the faculties. They establish contacts with the outside world and can help you with international matters relating to your subject. Erasmus+ Learning Agreements shoud be signed by your Programme study director.
The following people are Erasmus coordinators at SLU:
Landscape Architecture, Alnarp
Anders Westin +46 (0)40 40 55 10
Landscape Architecture, Ultuna
Vacant position
Horticulture and Agricultural Science, Alnarp
Forest Sciences
Contact Louise Tetting at +46 (0)90-786 86 22
Study Abroad Ambassadors
The Study abroad ambassadors are students working with the mobility team. Amongst other things they inform about studies abroad and arrange activities for international students. You can reach out to them if you want to hear from a student perspective what it is like to study abroad.
Ellen Kvarnmyr