SLU IT-Servicedesk
Tel: 018-67 66 00
(+46-18-67 66 00 when calling from outside Sweden)
Open 08.00-16.00
The Consent Service is used to verify that you are a student at SLU and are entitled to student discounts. The function is currently only used in Umeå.
When you log in to the service select the companies you want discounts from.
No personal data is transferred, only that you are a student at SLU. In order to use the service, you need to be registered on a course the same term as you give your consent.
Participating companies in Umeå are IKSU and Kommunicera.
Tel: 018-67 66 00
(+46-18-67 66 00 when calling from outside Sweden)
Open 08.00-16.00