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Thesis Day 2024

An opportunity for students to present their degree projects, and for students, friends and guests to celebrate their accomplishments.

Participants mingling at Thesis Day 2023. Photo: Johan Wahlgren

Thesis Day 2024

Thesis Day takes place in Ultuna on 24 May and in Alnarp on 31 May. 

Be a part of this event in Alnarp or in Ultuna. You can choose the location that works best for you. There will be oral presentations and awards, followed by networking and celebration. All students at SLU who write their degree project or independent project during the current academic year are welcome to participate in Thesis Day. The event is open to the public to attend. 


General information

An overview of what Thesis Day is and what it means to participate.


Available competitions during Thesis Day.


Frequently Asked Questions

Poster Exhibition

Information about creating your poster, support available and submission form.

Students' view of why you should participate in Thesis Day

Teacher's view of why you should participate in Thesis Day

Published: 03 June 2024 - Page editor: thesisday@slu.se