Guidelines for degree projects (independent projects)

Last changed: 07 March 2025

Independent projects (degree projects) must be processed in accordance with the same procedures and responsibilities as other higher education at SLU. In some respects, however, independent projects (degree projects) differ from other courses.

As a student you are primarily responsible for the completion of the independent project. SLU has a responsibility to create good conditions to help you carry out the project. Each student must have a supervisor for their project. To facilitate planning and implementation you must write a work plan as soon as possible, following consultation with your supervisor. Here you find a template for the Independent project work plan.

At basic level, the independent project can ideally be carried out together by small groups of no more than three students, although the input into the project must be reported and assessed individually.

You can write your independent project in Swedish or English, as indicated in the course syllabus. You will usually report on the project both in writing and orally. All independent projects will be checked for plagiarism (in Ouriginal) before being approved.

In order for your work to be published at SLU, you need to approve it according to SLU's Agreement regarding transfer of the right to publish a work. From 1 March 2021 the approval must be documented and archived by the department responsible for the course. Read more about how it can be done at Degree projects/Independent projects.

  • If you chooses to publish the work in full text, the pdf file and metadata will be openly visible, searchable and possible to read and download.
  • In cases you does not approve publishing, the work must still be uploaded to Epsilon for archiving purposes, but only metadata and summary will then be visible and searchable.

Level, specialised study and entry requirements

An independent project can only belong to one main field of study; double classification is never permitted. The most common types of independent project (degree project) are shown in the table below.

Level, specialised study and scope

Common names (previous names), possible degrees

Basic level, G2E, 15 credits


Bachelor’s project (basic level C)
Possible Degree of Bachelor.

Advanced level, A1E, 15 credits


Master’s project (advanced D)
Possible Degree of Master (60 credits).

Advanced level, A1E, 30 credits

Degree project for long professional programmes (advanced D), master’s thesis.

Advanced level, A2E, 30 credits

Master’s degree project for long professional programmes (advanced E), master’s thesis.
Possible Degree of Master (120 credits).


Degree requirements

The level, specialised study and scope of the independent project determine which degree (or degrees) you are eligible for once you have finished. Professional qualifications require one or two independent projects with specific main fields of study and/or a particular specialisation which is indicated in the programme syllabus for the programme in question.
