
Last changed: 08 November 2024
 Woman cheering. Photo.

On this page, you can read about degree regulations, how to apply for your degree certificate and other important information about your degree.

Applying for a degree

To be awarded a degree, you need to apply for this once you have completed your studies. You do this online in Ladok Student. If you are eligible for more than one degree, you need to submit an application for each one, e.g. one application for a Bachelor’s degree and one for a professional degree.

You can apply at any time during the year. Applications are normally processed within 8 weeks but waiting time is often shorter. Processing takes longer after the end of the semester when a lot of students apply. We prioritise certain groups, e.g. those with professional degrees for which the Swedish Board of Agriculture requires a licence to practise.

SLU only issues digital degree certificates. When your degree certificate has been issued, you will receive a notification to the e-mail address registered in Ladok Student. You can then log in to Ladok and print the certificate yourself, or save it as a PDF file.

If you are a student or alumnus and hold a degree, you can log in to Ladok Student and retrieve a code for sharing information about your degree. Sharing the control code means the recipient (e.g. an employer) can access information about your degree. If you want to see the information that is shared with the recipient, you can log in with the control code and your personal identity number. The same code can be used several times and for several recipients. Read more about how to "Share the certificate" at

Degree structure

There are three levels of university courses, programmes, and degrees – first, second, and third cycle – with each level building on the previous one.

Film - Apply for your degree certificate in Ladok

Apply for degree certificate

Click the image to watch a short film (Opens in a new window)

What does a degree certificate look like?

What does a degree certificate look like?

The first page has the name of the degree and the date the certificate was issued. If the degree has a main field of study, this is also stated on the first page. All courses included in the degree are then listed on the following pages. The degree certificate is bilingual in Swedish and English.

The degree certificate comes with a diploma supplement. This annex describes the programme and the Swedish education system, in English, and is intended to facilitate the recognition and transfer of credits when you apply for a job or further studies abroad.

Frequently asked questions about degrees

  • Can I include courses from other higher education institutions in my degree?
    Yes, this is usually possible.
    - You can include courses from other Swedish higher education institutions in general qualifications (Bachelor’s and Master’s) without needing to apply for a credit transfer. If the higher education institution uses the Ladok student registry system, you can select these courses when you apply for your degree certificate. If the courses are not available in Ladok, when you apply for your degree, you will need to include a transcript or course certificate in both English and Swedish.
    - Regulations are less flexible for what can be included in a professional qualification. You will need to apply for a credit transfer for any courses you have taken that are not included in the programme. Remember, your credit transfer must have been approved before your degree can be awarded.
    - You can only include courses from international higher education institutions if a credit transfer has been approved.
    Read more about credit transfers and how to apply.

  • Do I need to have studied on a programme to be able to be awarded a degree?
    No, this is not a requirement. However, it may be the case that certain courses are only available for students on degree programmes. This means that it may be very difficult to issue degrees for certain qualifications (particularly professional qualifications) if you are not admitted on a programme.
    If you wish to apply for a general qualification (Bachelor’s or Master’s), you can combine your choice of courses. However, these courses must meet the degree requirements stipulated in the System of Qualifications. It is a good idea to contact a study counsellor for help with combining your own choice of courses.

  • I already have a Bachelor’s degree. Can I include these courses in a new Bachelor’s degree?
    Yes, you can. For example, you already have a Bachelor’s degree with biology as your main field of study. This degree also includes several credits from courses in environmental sciences. You later decide to specialise in environmental sciences, take more courses and finish with a total of 90 credits in the subject – including a Bachelor’s degree project. You can combine these credits with 90 credits taken from your biology degree to make up the 180 credits you need for your new Bachelor’s degree with environmental sciences as your main field of study.

  • Can I be awarded one degree with two main fields of study (double degree)?
    No, a degree can only contain one main field of study. However, you can apply for two degrees. To be able to do this, you need to have completed a minimum of 180 credits, of which 90 in one main field of study and 90 in the other. You also need to have completed a degree project in both main fields of study.

  • When can I apply for a degree and is there a deadline?
    You can apply at any time during the year once you have completed your studies. There is no deadline. Processing your applicaion can take up to 8 weeks, but the waiting time is often shorter. If you need to apply for a professional status qualification from the Swedish Board of Agriculture, we will prioritise your application. If your application for a certificate involves transferring credits, processing may take longer.

  • Where can I find the degree requirements?
    The degree requirements for your programme are listed in the programme syllabus, where you will also find information on the degree(s) the programme will lead to. Programme syllabuses are available on the student web programme pages.

  • It says the degree I want to apply for consists of a specific number of credits. What happens if I have more credits than that? 
    A degree consists of a specific number of credits. This means your certificate will only state the number of credits needed for that degree. If you have transferred credits towards your degree, you may have more credits than needed; these extra credits will not be listed on the certificate.

  • I would like my degree certificate translated, how can I do that?
    The digital degree certificate is issued in Swedish and English. If you need your certificate in another language, find out what the requirements are for authorised translations in the country where the language is spoken and contact a professional translator.

  • Can I add courses after my certificate has been issued?
    No. Once the degree certificate has been issued, it is not possible to make any changes to it.

  • I attended a degree programme in the early 2000s. I did not graduate. The programme is not one of the programmes listed for syllabus withdrawal – can I still complete my degree?
    If you began your studies before 1 July 2007, you are no longer eligible to graduate from your original programme. The transitional rules for students admitted before that date ended in 2015. However, if you completed courses after 1 July 2007, you may be able to obtain a general degree. Please contact for more information.

Main fields of study

The following main fields of study have been approved for SLU's general qualifications

  • Agricultural science
  • Animal science
  • Bioeconomy management
  • Biology
  • Bioinformatics (second-cycle level only)
  • Business administration
  • Chemistry
  • Economics
  • Environmental psychology (second-cycle level only)
  • Environmental science
  • Equine studies (first-cycle level only)
  • Food studies (second-cycle level only)
  • Food sciences
  • Forest management
  • Forest science
  • Forestry Science
  • Horticultural science
  • Landscape architecture
  • Landscape planning
  • Rural development
  • Soil science
  • Sustainable development
  • Technology
  • Veterinary medicine
  • Veterinary nursing (first-cycle level only)

Digital degree certificates

As of 2 March 2020, all degree certificates issued by SLU are electronic. The degree certificate is sent to the email address you have registered in Ladok Student.

You can forward the certificate to employers or other higher education institutions. Should you lose it, a new original can be issued.

The degree certificate format is PDF/A and it is signed electronically. To open the certificate, you need to download it to your computer and open it using a PDF reader. The document is locked for editing, and opening it in a PDF editor may not work.

Certificates issued before 2 March 2020 are only available as hardcopy and cannot be issued electronically.

Information for employers/recruiters

All digital degree certificates from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences have two e-signatures. This is to ensure that certificate signatures are secure and legally binding. You can verify the validity of the e-signatures by clicking them. If a signature is valid, the verification page will show a green banner. Our e-signature supplier is Adobe Sign.

Verfication of your degree

Sharing degrees certificate

Anyone who is awarded a degree by a Swedish higher education institution* can share information about their degree with any recipient (e.g. an employer). To share details of a degree, a degree holder can download a control code and send it to the intended recipient, who can then use the code to access the information.

Sharing details about your degree certificate

The following information is intended for graduates who want to share information about their degree with a third party (e.g. an employer).

If you are an SLU student or alumnus and have had a degree issued, you can log in to Ladok Student and generate a code to share information about your degree. By sharing this code, you can give the recipient, e.g. an employer, access to information about your degree. If you want to see exactly what information the recipient can see, log on using the code and your personal identity number. The same code can be used more than once and you can send it to more than one recipient.

To share your exam details:

  • Log on to Ladok Student and select ‘Degrees and certificates’.
  • Select ‘Share certificate’.
  • Then forward the code to a recipient you choose.

If you do not have access to Ladok anymore, you can create a new login on the page

You can also contact the administrative officers to have information about your degree verified.

Verify degree information

The following information is intended for anyone wishing to verify information about a degree.

Verifying that an individual has a degree can easily be done digitally by entering the personal identity number of the person whose degree you wish to verify and a control code that they will send you. You will then be able to see information about the degree and its content. The information is retrieved directly from Ladok*.

To verify degree information:

*Sharing degrees is possible for anyone whose degree is registered in Ladok, the study administration system used by most Swedish higher education institutions ( It is also required that the higher education institution that issued the degree has activated the sharing function in Ladok for students.

Rejections and appeals

Rejections and appeals

If your application does not meet the degree requirements, we will contact you.

If your application to be awarded a degree is rejected, you have the right to appeal. You submit your appeal to SLU, however, it will be assessed by the Higher Education Appeals Board.

Read more about how to appeal.

Degree requirements

SLU awards professional as well as general degrees. Detailed descriptions of the various degree requirements can be found in SLU’s system of qualifications.

For professional degrees (veterinary surgeon, forester, agronomist etc.), certain courses must be included in your degree for the requirements to be fulfilled.

For general degrees (Bachelor’s, 1- and 2-year Master’s), the requirements mainly concern the number of credits needed in the main field of study at the appropriate level.

A programme can lead to a professional degree as well as one or more general degrees. The programme syllabus lists the degree(s) the programme in question can lead to. You will find the programme syllabuses on the student web.

Under the headings below you will find the requirements for general degrees issued by SLU.

General qualification (degree)

All higher education involves courses you can combine towards a degree. A general qualification often requires a set number of credits and specialisation in a main field of study, as well as credits earned from elective courses.

Your main field of study will be your degree subject and the title of your degree will be the same as your main field of study (not the programme). Check the syllabus to find out a course’s main field of study and its level.

First and second cycle general qualifications

There are two types of first-cycle (undergraduate) general qualifications – the Degree of Bachelor and higher education diploma. There are also two types of second-cycle (postgraduate) general qualifications – the 60 credit and 120 credit Master’s degrees.

To be awarded a Master’s degree, you will need to have successfully completed a minimum of 180 credits at first-cycle level or hold an equivalent qualification from abroad.

If you are a student on a degree programme, check your programme syllabus to see which degree(s) you will be awarded on completion of your studies. Programme syllabuses can be found on the student web.

You can read the requirements for general degrees under the menus below.

Higher Education Diploma

A Higher Education Diploma requires:

Successfully completed courses totalling 120 credits, comprising:

  • a minimum 60 credits from a main field of study, including an independent project worth 7.5 credits.

A Higher Education Diploma may contain a maximum of 30 credits from second-cycle courses.

All courses included in a degree must be at university level, have been successfully completed and may not overlap/have similar content.

More information about degree requirements can be found in SLU's system of qualifications (in Swedish language).

Course subject area and level

Course syllabuses provide information about a course’s subject area(s) and its level and specialisation, e.g., G1N or G2F. The syllabus is available from the course’s webpage which you can search for here. If you are studying on a programme, you can click the course heading on the programme’s course schedule, which you can find on the search page on the student web.

Degree of Bachelor

A Bachelor’s degree must include:

Successfully completed courses totalling 180 credits, of which 90 must met the following requirements:

  • a minimum of 60 credits from courses in the main field of study at levels G1N and G1F;
  • a minimum of 15 credits from courses with specialised study in the main field at G2F level; 
  • a minimum of 15 credits from an independent project (independent/degree project) in the main field of study at G2E level;
  • a maximum of 30 credits may be accounted for by approved courses at second-cycle level.

All courses included in a degree must be at university level, have been successfully completed and may not overlap/have similar content.

More information about degree requirements can be found in SLU's system of qualifications (in Swedish language).

Course subject area and level 

Course syllabuses provide information about a course’s subject area(s) and its level and specialisation, e.g., G1N or G2F. The syllabus is available from the course’s webpage which you can search for here. If you are studying on a programme, you can click the course heading on the programme’s course schedule, which you can find on the search page on the student web.

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics

A Degree of Bachelor of Science with a major in Business Administration is awarded once the student has a full course portfolio of 180 credits that meet the following requirements:

  • a minimum of 60 credits in business administration (G1N, G1F);
  • a minimum of 15 credits from courses with specialised study in business administration (G2F);
  • a minimum of 15 credits from an independent project with business administration as the main field of study (degree project, G2E);
  • a minimum of 30 credits in economics;
  • a minimum of 15 credits in statistics and/or commercial law.

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics with a major in economics will be awarded upon successful completion of 180 credits that meet the following requirements:

  • a minimum of 60 credits from courses in economics (G1N, G1F);
  • a minimum of 15 credits with specialised study in economics (G2F);
  • a minimum of 15 credits from an independent project with economics as the main field of study (degree project, G2E);
  • a minimum of 30 credits in business administration;
  • a minimum of 15 credits in statistics.

Students who started their studies in the autumn semester of 2020 or earlier can be awarded a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics in accordance with the older provisions on completing course requirements (passed courses) of 180 credits, of which a minimum of 140 credits meet the following requirements:

  • a minimum of 60 credits in business administration/economics (G1N, G1F);
  • a minimum of 15 credits with specialised study in business administration/economics (G2F);
  • a minimum of 15 credits of independent project work in business administration/economics (degree project/G2E);
  • a minimum of 30 credits in economics/business administration (G1N, G1F);
  • a minimum of 20 credits in other economics subjects.


First-cycle GN and G1F courses can be replaced with first-cycle G1E and G2F courses. First-cycle courses can be replaced with a maximum of 30 credits from second-cycle courses.
All courses included in a degree must be at university level, have been successfully
completed and may not overlap/have similar content.


  • G1N: First-cycle level, only upper secondary entry requirements
  • G1F: First-cycle level, fewer than 60 credits from first-cycle courses as entry requirement
  • G2F: First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement
  • G2E: First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement, contains a degree project for the Degree of Bachelor
  • A1N: Second-cycle level, only first-cycle course(s) as entry requirement – at SLU, a minimum of 120 credits at first-cycle level is required
  • A1F: Second-cycle level, contains degree project for
    Master’s degree (60 credits)
  • GXX: First-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified
  • AXX: Second-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Political Sciences

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Political Science with a major in sustainable development will be awarded upon successful completion of 180 credits that meet the following requirements:

  • a minimum of 60 credits in sustainable development as the main field of study (G1N, G1F);
  • a minimum of 15 credits of specialised study in sustainable development (G2F);
  • a minimum of 15 credits from an independent project with sustainable development as the main field of study (degree project, G2E).

The following is also required for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Political Sciences:

  • a minimum of 30 credits in economics;
  • a minimum of 30 credits in political science;
  • a minimum of 15 credits in statistics;
  • a minimum of 15 credits in administrative law.

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Political Science with a major in economics will be awarded upon successful completion of 180 credits that meet the following requirements:

  • a minimum of 60 credits with economics as the main field of study (G1N, G1F);
  • a minimum of 15 credits in courses with specialised study in economics (G2F);
  • a minimum of 15 credits from an independent project with economics as the main field of study (degree project, G2E).

To be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science in Political Sciences, the following is also required:

  • a minimum of 30 credits in political science;
  • a minimum of 15 credits in statistics;
  • a minimum of 15 credits in administrative law.


First-cycle GN and G1F courses can be replaced with first-cycle G1E and G2F courses. First-cycle courses can be replaced with a maximum of 30 credits from second-cycle courses.
All courses included in a degree must be at university level, have been successfully
completed and may not overlap/have similar content.

Course subject area and level 

Course syllabuses provide information about a course’s subject area(s) and its level and specialisation, e.g., G1N or G2F. The syllabus is available from the course’s webpage which you can search for here. If you are studying on a programme, you can click the course heading on the programme’s course schedule, which you can find on the search page on the student web.

More information about degree requirements can be found in SLU’s system of qualifications.


  • G1N: First-cycle level, only upper secondary entry requirements
  • G1F: First-cycle level, fewer than 60 credits from first-cycle courses as entry requirement
  • G2F: First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement
  • G2E: First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement, contains a degree project for the Degree of Bachelor
  • A1N: Second-cycle level, only first-cycle course(s) as entry requirement – at SLU, a minimum of 120 credits at first-cycle level is required
  • A1F: Second-cycle level, contains degree project for
    Master’s degree (60 credits)
  • GXX: First-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified
  • AXX: Second-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified

Degree of Master (60 credits)

The Degree of Master (60 credits) requires:

Successfully completed courses totalling 60 credits, comprising:

  • a minimum of 15 credits from courses in the main field of study at levels A1N and A1F;
  • a minimum of 15 credits from an independent project (Master’s dissertation/project) in the main field of study at A1E level;
  • a minimum of 45 credits at second-cycle level.

A Degree of Master (60 credits) may contain a maximum of 15 credits from first-cycle courses (as long as they are not already included in the Degree of Bachelor).

All courses included in a degree must be at university level, have been successfully completed and may not overlap/have similar content.

To be eligible for the Degree of Master (60 credits), the candidate must have successfully completed a Degree of Bachelor or equivalent.

More information about degree requirements can be found in SLU's system of qualifications (in Swedish language).

Course subject area and level 

Course syllabuses provide information about a course’s subject area(s) and its level and specialisation, e.g., G1N or G2F. The syllabus is available from the course’s webpage which you can search for here. If you are studying on a programme, you can click the course heading on the programme’s course schedule, which you can find on the search page on the student web.

More information about degree requirements can be found in SLU's system of qualifications (in Swedish language).

Degree of Master of Science in Business and Economics (120 credits)

Degree of Master of Science in Economics with a major in business administration/economics (120 credits) will be awarded upon successful completion of 120 credits, of which 90 must be from second-cycle courses that meet the following requirements:

  • a minimum of 30 credits with specialised study in business administration/economics (A1N, A1F);
  • a minimum of 30 credits from an independent project in business administration/economics (Master’s project/A2E).

In addition, the prior award of a Degree of Bachelor, a professional qualification of a minimum of 180 credits or a corresponding qualification from abroad is required, with specialisation in business administration/economics.


The Degree of Master of Science in Economics (120 credits) may contain a maximum of 30 credits from first-cycle courses, provided these credits were not included in a Degree of Bachelor or equivalent. All courses included in a degree must be at university level, have been successfully completed and may not overlap/have similar content.


  • G1N: First-cycle level, only upper secondary entry requirements
  • G1F: First-cycle level, fewer than 60 credits from first-cycle courses as entry requirement

  • G2F:First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement

  • G2E:First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement, contains a degree project for the Degree of Bachelor
  • A1N: Second-cycle level, only first-cycle course(s) as entry requirement – at SLU, a minimum of 120 credits at first-cycle level is required
  • A1F:Second-cycle level, contains degree project for
    Master’s degree (60 credits)
  • GXX: First-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified
  • AXX: Second-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified

Degree of Master (120 credits)

The Degree of Master (120 credits) requires:

Successfully completed courses totalling 120 credits, comprising:

  • a minimum of 30 credits from courses in the main field of study at levels A1N and A1F;
  • a minimum of 30 credits from an independent project (independent/degree project) in the main field of study at A2E level;
  • a minimum of 90 credits from courses at second-cycle level.

A Degree of Master (120 credits) may contain a maximum of 30 credits from first-cycle courses (as long as they are not already included in the Degree of Bachelor).

All courses included in a degree must be at university level, have been successfully completed and may not overlap/have similar content.

To be eligible for the Degree of Master (120 credits), the candidate must have successfully completed a Degree of Bachelor or equivalent.

Course subject area and level 

Course syllabuses provide information about a course’s subject area(s) and its level and specialisation, e.g., G1N or G2F. The syllabus is available from the course’s webpage which you can search for here. If you are studying on a programme, you can click the course heading on the programme’s course schedule, which you can find on the search page on the student web.

More information about degree requirements can be found in SLU's system of qualifications (in Swedish language).

Level abbreviations

Course subject area and level 

Course syllabuses provide information about a course’s subject area(s) and its level and specialisation, e.g., G1N or G2F. The syllabus is available from the course’s webpage which you can search for here. If you are studying on a programme, you can click the course heading on the programme’s course schedule, which you can find on the search page on the student web.

  • G1N: First-cycle level, only upper secondary entry requirements
  • G1F: First-cycle level, fewer than 60 credits from first-cycle courses as entry requirement
  • G2F: First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement
  • G2E: First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement, contains a degree project for the Degree of Bachelor
  • A1N: Second-cycle level, only first-cycle course(s) as entry requirement – at SLU, a minimum of 120 credits at first-cycle level is required
  • A1F: Second-cycle level, contains degree project for
    Master’s degree (60 credits)
  • GXX: First-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified
  • AXX: Second-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified

Degree from freestanding courses or a programme?

You can either take courses included in a programme, or combine freestanding courses to make up a degree.

A degree made up of freestanding courses is worth just as much as a programme-based degree. However, combining freestanding courses into a degree requires slightly more planning to ensure that you will be able to meet the qualification requirements.

If you choose to compile your own degree, you can include courses from other higher education institutions. However, for certain main fields of study at SLU it won’t be possible for you to create your own degree by combining freestanding courses.

Courses that have been included in first-cycle (Bachelor’s) degrees cannot be included in second-cycle (Master’s) degrees.

Credit transfer for general qualifications

For general qualifications, you will need to apply for a credit transfer for any courses you may have taken at a higher education institution abroad. You do not need to apply for a credit transfer for courses taken at Swedish higher education institutions. Read more about credit transfer here.

If you are a student on a degree programme, check your programme syllabus to see which degree(s) you will be awarded on completion of your studies. Programme syllabuses can be found on the student web.

Professional degree

The professional degree is a professional qualification and has a clear link to a specific line of employment. You do not need to have been admitted onto a programme to meet the criteria for a professional degree. However, it is often the case that you must be admitted to a programme to be able to access all the courses required for an professional degree.

The requirements for different degres are described  in the programme syllabuses, available on the programme page on the student web.

SLU offers professional qualifications at both first and second-cycle level. The menu below lists the professional qualifications issued by SLU:

Professional qualifications from SLU

First-cycle professional qualifications:

  • Higher Education Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (180 credits)
  • Higher Education Diploma in Equine Science (180 credits)
  • Higher Education Diploma in Agricultural and Rural Management (120 credits)
  • Higher Education Diploma in Agricultural and Rural Management (180 credits)
  • Higher Education Diploma in Horticultural Management (120 credits)
  • Higher Education Diploma in Horticultural Management (180 credits)
  • Bachelor of Science in Landscape Construction and Management (180 credits)
  • Bachelor of Science in Forest Management (180 credits)

Second-cycle professional qualifications:

  • Master of Science in Agriculture (300 credits)
  • Master of Science in Agriculture (270 credits)
  • Master of Science in Horticulture (300 credits)
  • Master of Science in Forestry (300 credits)
  • Master of Science in Landscape Architecture (300 credits)
  • Master of Science in Veterinary Medicine (330 credits)

Credit transfer for professional qualifications

You will need to transfer any credits from courses not included in your degree programme if you want to include them in a professional qualification. This applies for courses you have taken at other universities (including abroad) and at SLU (courses that are not part of your programme). Read more about credit transfer here.


Degree Office


+46 (0)18 67 28 00

Telephone hours:
Monday, Wednedsday, Friday 10.00-11.00