Soil, Water and Environment

Published: 19 March 2025
Agriculture. Person studies crops. A combine harvester and a tractor in the fields. Bird and tree. Three-dimensional picture.

Information for those studying on the Master's programme (two-year) in Soil, Water and Environment. On this page you will find information about the programme, contact details and the documents governing the degree programme.

Welcome letter

Congratulations on your place at SLU and on the master programme Soil, Water and Environment. We look forward to meeting you here in Uppsala this autumn.

The autumn semester 2025 begins with roll call and study information on campus.

Date: Monday 1 September

Time and place: On the pages for new students, you will find information when the roll-call for your programme begins and which room the roll-call will be in.

On these pages, you will also find all the information you need as a new student at SLU, including information about the Orientation programme. The Orientation programme is not mandatory but we recommend that you attend it. It’s a great opportunity to provide essential and useful information about your stay in Sweden and your studies at SLU.

Your first course will be "Soil water processes in Agroecosystems". On the course page, you will find a timetable for your classes and other course-related information. Timetables and reading lists will be published at least four weeks before the course starts.

The next two years will be exciting, with hard work and a lot of fun. During your studies, you will take courses in different subjects at different departments, often together with students from other programmes. The SWE programme will provide you with advanced knowledge in soil and water management and combines scientific training with applied knowledge. You will be trained in the ability to assess the effects of various types of soil use on soil and water quality and to design and apply relevant management methods. The programme covers in-depth elements in soil science and applied parts in sustainable soil and water use. Some courses focus on international aspects of soil and water management. The studies conclude with an independent project (degree project) where you will implement your knowledge on a current issue within the subject area of sustainable soil and water use.

Upon completion of the programme, depending on the choice of courses, you will be awarded with a Master of Science in either Soil science or Environmental science. After your education, your expertise will be needed within public authorities from local to national levels as well as within research or private companies such as consultancy firms, both nationally and internationally. You will also have good opportunities to become a PhD student.  

Once again, welcome to SLU!

Programme Director of Studies
Karin Hamnér, Researcher
Department of Soil and Environment, +46 (0)18-671236

Hanna Friberg, Associate professor
Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, +46 (0)18-671876


Independent Project

What are the rules for those doing an independent project as part of the Soil and Water Management programme?

In order to be awarded the degree of Master of Science, you must carry out an independent project/degree project at master level (A2E) worth at least 30 credits. All independent projects have a course syllabus and the course schedule indicates when these courses are offered.


Course subject area and level

Course syllabuses provide information about a course’s subject area(s) and its level and specialisation. The syllabus is available from the course’s webpage which you can search for here. If you are studying on a programme, you can in most cases click the course heading on the programme’s course schedule to go to the course page.


  • G1N: First-cycle level, only upper secondary entry requirements
  • G1F: First-cycle level, fewer than 60 credits from first-cycle courses as entry requirement
  • G2F: First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement
  • G2E: First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement, contains a degree project for the Degree of Bachelor
  • A1N: Second-cycle level, only first-cycle course(s) as entry requirement – at SLU, a minimum of 120 credits at first-cycle level is required
  • A1F: Second-cycle level, contains degree project for
    Master’s degree (60 credits)
  • GXX: First-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified
  • AXX: Second-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified

Course schedule 24/25 (PDF)

Programme courses academic year 24/25

Overview picture Course schedule Soil, Water and Environment

Year 1

Year 2

Research internship

2024-11-01 - 2025-01-19
15.0 hp
Beskrivning av grafiken nedan

Course schedule 25/26 (PDF)

Programme courses academic year 25/26

Year 1

Year 2

Research internship

2025-09-01 - 2025-11-02
15.0 hp
Beskrivning av grafiken nedan

Research internship

2025-11-03 - 2026-01-18
15.0 hp
Beskrivning av grafiken nedan

If you would like to apply for this programme

This page is for students currently studying on the programme. If you are not currently a student but would like to apply, you can read more about the programme’s content and the application process here.


Programme Director of Studies - Soil, Water and Environment

Karin Hamnér, researcher

Department of Soil and Environment, 018-67 12 36


Deputy Programme Directors of Studies

Hanna Friberg, researcher

Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, 018-671876, 070-3931106