Landscape Architecture for Sustainable Urbanisation - Master´s Programme

Published: 21 March 2025

This webpage is for students on the Landscape Architecture for Sustainable Urbanisation - Master's Programme.

Here you will find information about the programme, your course schedule, contact information, and the documents that regulate the education.

Navigate by clicking on the headings below.


Welcome letter Autumn 2025

Congratulations on your place at SLU and on the Landscape Architecture for Sustainable Urbanisation Master’s programme!

We look forward to meeting you here in Uppsala this autumn.

The autumn semester 2025 begins with roll call and study information on campus.

Date: Monday 1 September

Time and place: On the pages for new students, you will find information when the roll-call for your programme begins and which room the roll-call will be in.

On these pages, you will also find all the information you need as a new student at SLU, including information about the Orientation programme. The Orientation programme is not mandatory but we recommend that you attend them. It’s a great opportunity to provide essential and useful information about your stay in Sweden and your studies at SLU.

Your first course will be “Landscape Architecture: History, Theory and Practice”. On the course page, you will find a timetable for your classes and other course-related information. Timetables and reading lists will be published at least four weeks before the course starts.

The next 2 years will be valuable, exciting, hardworking but also a lot of fun. Although you, as a student, are at the center of our work, you have a great deal of personal responsibility for your studies and your study results.

During your studies, you will study courses in various subjects, sometimes together with both national and international students from different disciplinary backgrounds. Both the theoretical courses and studio courses will be spaces to explore different knowledges and perspectives about the most pressing social, spatial, and environmental issues.

Once again, welcome to SLU, LASU Programme!

Programme Director of Studies
Burcu Yigit Turan, Senior Lecturer
Department of Urban and Rural Development/Division of Landscape Architecture

Admission to latter part

Here you will find information about admission to latter parts of SLU programmes and how you apply.

In spring semester 2025 there are available places on the programme.

  • Year 1: more than 5 places
  • Year 2: more than 5 places

Portfolio instructions for applying to the Landscape Architecture for Sustainable Urbanisation – Master’s Programme

A portfolio is a collection of samples from projects, assignments or other work that have been carried out during previous education or previous professional activity. The submitted portfolio should include examples from three (3) projects or assignments that illustrate, in both text and images, the student’s ability to plan or design a landscape or an environment. The balance between amount of text and images depend on the treated subject. The text must be correctly referenced and reflect the student’s choice as well as his/her relation to the illustrated landscape.

A jury assigned by SLU will evaluate the portfolio according to following aspects:

Relevance of the treated subject – has the student worked with questions relevant for landscape architecture?
Level of knowledge – has the student handled the subject in a relevant theoretical context?
The skill of the work – has the student presented an ability to handle the project or assignment in words as well as visually?
The University’s evaluation of the submitted portfolio will, apart from the formal application, be the decision basis on whether the student can be accepted to the programme or not. The students will not receive comments on submitted portfolios.

Portfolio format:

Maximum of 12 pages
Either in A4 or A3 format
Saved as a PDF document (max 60MB)
The portfolio must be anonymous
The portfolio, including the presented projects/assignments within the portfolio, must be anonymous. Write only your application number from or in the portfolio.

The portfolio should be submitted in an e-mail as a PDF-file to the e-mail address:

Deadline for submission is on the 30th november 2024

Name the PDF-file “Portfolio_LASU_NameSurname.pdf” (the portfolio will be anonymized and given a number before reaching the jury). Write in the e-mail’s subject field: Portfolio LASU


If there are more qualified applicants than available places when the application period has ended, than the applicants are ranked according to how many credits they can transfer to the degree. When the applicants have equal credentials, lottery is applied.


Course subject area and level

Course syllabuses provide information about a course’s subject area(s) and its level and specialisation. The syllabus is available from the course’s webpage which you can search for here. If you are studying on a programme, you can in most cases click the course heading on the programme’s course schedule to go to the course page.


  • G1N: First-cycle level, only upper secondary entry requirements
  • G1F: First-cycle level, fewer than 60 credits from first-cycle courses as entry requirement
  • G2F: First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement
  • G2E: First-cycle level, a minimum of 60 credits at first-cycle level as entry requirement, contains a degree project for the Degree of Bachelor
  • A1N: Second-cycle level, only first-cycle course(s) as entry requirement – at SLU, a minimum of 120 credits at first-cycle level is required
  • A1F: Second-cycle level, contains degree project for
    Master’s degree (60 credits)
  • GXX: First-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified
  • AXX: Second-cycle level, course specialisation cannot be classified

Programme courses academic year 24/25

Overview picture Course Schedule academic year 24/25

Year 1

Year 2

Programme courses academic year 25/26

Year 1

Year 2

Prize for best Master thesis in Uppsala municipality

Marjan Rostami, former student at Landscape Architecture for Sustainable Urbanisation - Master's Programme in Uppsala have received prize for best Master thesis in Uppsala municipality.

Motivation: “The thesis is of high relevance to Uppsala Municipality, in the process of designing new neighbourhoods and urban landscapes, for the expanding city. The thesis is well written, and contributes design principles, which integrate aesthetical, social, and ecological values, in a convincing manner. The principles have been developed in a process of combining quantitative and qualitative methods of exploring which values the citizens appreciate in order to feel at home, together with ecological analysis of flora and fauna, in context of social and environmental challenges.”

Link to Master thesis: “Designing urban landscapes in a new neighbourhood, focusing on aesthetical, social, and ecological values”


If you would like to apply for this programme
This page is for students currently studying on the programme. If you are not currently a student but would like to apply, you can read more about the programme’s content and the application process here.


  • This programme is taught in English.
  • The name of the programme in Swedish is masterprogrammet Landskapsarkitektur för hållbar urbanisering.


Programme director of studies - Landscape Architecture for Sustainable Urbanisation

Burcu Yigit Turan, Senior Lecturer
Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Landscape Architecture  
Burcu Yigit Turan, phone: +46 (0)18672533

Contact the education officer if you have any questions about study programme  regulations. Nicklas Karlsson, phone +46 (0)40-41 5069, Nicklas Karlsson

Contact the education administrator if you have any questions about LADOK registration, certificates or courses. Marlén Tälleklint, phone +46 (0)18-67 2671, Marlén Tälleklint

For information about credit transfer, please mail to: