Studio - Landscape planning
Information from the course leader
Hej och välkomna till kursen Studio Landskapsplanering!
Kursen är upplagd kring ett obligatoriskt projektarbete i studioform där studenterna i mindre grupper besöker och gör landskapsanalyser av olika tätorter runt om i landet. Kursen behandlar även stadsbyggnadsteori utifrån historia, ideologier och värderingar samt fysisk planering med samhällets mål, lagar och regler.
Den första dagen på kursen kommer vi att skapa grupper och fördela kommuner, genom lottning. Eftermiddagen ägnas åt att boka resor och boende (välj de mest prisvärda alternativen). Studenterna betalar dessa kostnader själva och får ersättning från kursen i efterhand. Om en studentgrupp vill åka egen bil är det möjligt, milersättning utgår. Vi vill att gruppen samlar kvitton för sina utgifter och utser en person som ansvarig, denna person kommer att lämna in kvitton till kursledningen och får ersättningen som en klumpsumma, som sedan fördelas ut till gruppmedlemmarna.
Under fliken Schema finns ett preliminärt schema samt litteraturlista.
Med önskan om en skön sommar, vi ses vid kursstart!
Daniel Valentini, Tomas Eriksson, Neva Leposa, Amalia Engström, Marina Queiroz
Course evaluation
The course evaluation is now closed
LK0419-10152 - Course evaluation report
Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.
Additional course evaluations for LK0419
Academic year 2023/2024
Studio - Landscape planning (LK0419-10184)
2023-08-28 - 2023-10-30
Academic year 2022/2023
Studio - Landscape planning (LK0419-10043)
2022-08-29 - 2022-10-31
Syllabus and other information
LK0419 Studio - Landscape planning, 15.0 Credits
Studio - LandskapsplaneringSubjects
Landscape ArchitectureEducation cycle
Bachelor’s levelModules
Title | Credits | Code |
Applied landscape analysis | 10.0 | 0004 |
Comprehensive plan – theory and values | 5.0 | 0005 |
Advanced study in the main field
First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirementsBachelor’s level (G2F)
Grading scale
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.
SwedishPrior knowledge
Knowledge equivalent to 80 credits landscape architecture and 5 credits soil science.Objectives
The purpose of the course is for the student to develop knowledge and skills in landscape analysis and gain basic knowledge of physical and urban planning. The aim is also to provide students with basic knowledge of society’s laws, rules and goals for long-term sustainable development as well as regional differences in the landscape.
Knowledge and understanding
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
give examples of regional differences in the landscape that affect people’s conditions for living and working in different parts of the country;
describe the interaction between an urban area and the structures and functions of the surrounding landscape;
describe some urban planning theories that form the basis for landscape planning;
explain the importance of carrying out a landscape analysis before a change in land use;
discuss and exemplify how different actors have the opportunity to influence landscape planning in processes and stages that are governed by societal goals, laws and regulations as well as planning and environmental legislation.
Skills and Abilities
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
methodically search for and compile geographical and other information relevant to the implementation of a landscape analysis;
methodically describe the conditions and sensitivity of a landscape to a changed land and water use;
justify a change in land and water use from a landscape and planning perspective.
Evaluation ability and approach
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
formulate issues relevant to landscape planning linked to society’s goals for long-term sustainable development;
discuss and problematize a selection of values and interests that affect landscape planning from a national and international perspective.
The course is organized around a compulsory project work in studio form where students work in small groups that visit and do landscape analyzes of different urban areas around the country. An exercise that, among other things, enables comparisons of how different conditions in the landscape affect both people’s opportunities to live and use the landscape and how the conditions affect vegetation and plant use.
In their work, the students start from a given method but are also introduced to other proven methods relevant to the analysis of the landscape. Based on a change in land and water use in a Swedish urban area, they describe and analyze the landscape’s conditions. The task can vary from year to year and is based, for example, on the location of housing, recreation, energy supply, etc. The focus is on describing, assessing and presenting the landscape’s conditions for showing trade-offs between current claims. Aspects that are studied are the landscape’s biophysical properties, structures and functions, as well as cultural and social characteristics of the locality. The students report the results in groups in text and pictures as well as orally. In an individual writing exercise, the student make comparisons and ask questions relevant to landscape planning.
In connection with the project work, a methodological work with map layers is introduced as a tool for searching, compiling and evaluating geographical information in a landscape analysis.
The project work includes theoretical parts that are examined in seminars and with individual writing exercises. The theoretical parts deal with urban planning theory based on history, ideologies and values as well as physical planning with society’s goals, laws and rules.
Urban planning history is studied trough literature studies and lectures. Swedish urban development is associated with currents and ideas in society in Sweden and internationally. The city as a system in the landscape, ie the interaction between the surrounding landscape, traffic system, buildings and blue-green structure is studied. Prerequisites for a long-term sustainable development of different types of cities are highlighted.
Students are introduced to Swedish legislation that governs and regulates the municipalities’ physical planning. The purposes of the legislation are discussed as well as the planning process and its various parties.
In lectures, texts and compulsory seminars, students discuss different values and interests in relation to overall global, national and local societal goals for long-term sustainable development. Ethical perspectives are raised. Outside and inside perspectives are discussed in relation to change in the landscape.
The course gives 15 credits of skill training.
Grading form
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.Formats and requirements for examination
The course contains theoretical parts that are examined with individual written exercises and seminars. Applied landscape planning is examined with group work in project form and an individual written exercise.
To pass the course, approved written exercises and group work are required, as well as a pass
participation in compulsory project work, seminars and study trip.
If a student has failed an examination, the examiner has the right to issue supplementary assignments. This applies if it is possible and there are grounds to do so.
The examiner can provide an adapted assessment to students entitled to study support for students with disabilities following a decision by the university. Examiners may also issue an adapted examination or provide an alternative way for the students to take the exam.
If this syllabus is withdrawn, SLU may introduce transitional provisions for examining students admitted based on this syllabus and who have not yet passed the course.
For the assessment of an independent project (degree project), the examiner may also allow a student to add supplemental information after the deadline for submission. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Other information
The right to participate in teaching and/or supervision only applies for the course instance the student was admitted to and registered on.
If there are special reasons, students are entitled to participate in components with compulsory attendance when the course is given again. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Additional information
Prerequisites 5 credits of soil science are given by the course LK0292 Introduction to landscape architecture, geology and hydrology, alternatively MV0213/MV0224 Soil as a plant habitat and plant knowledge 3.Study trip is included in the course and costs are presented no later than 4 weeks before the start of the course.
Responsible department
Department of Urban and Rural Development
Further information
Litterature list
Obligatorisk litteratur
Modul: Översiktsplanering - teori och värderingar
A) Textseminarium 1: Teorier och perspektiv på stadsbyggande
Matthew Carmona, Steve Tiesdell, Tim Heath and Taner Oc (2010). Public places Urban spaces - The dimensions of urban design, tredje upplagan (2021). Architectural Press, Elsevier.
Läs följande delar:
- Kapitel 1: sid 1 - 36
- Kapitel 5: sid 196 - 219
- Kapitel 8: sid 384 - 432
B) Textseminarium 2: Historiska perspektiv och kulturhistoria i samhällsplaneringen
Till seminariet ska ni läsa ett urval artiklar från två olika nummer av Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift. Ni kan ladda ner dessa på tidskriftens hemsida,, under rubriken äldre nummer.
1. Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift nr 58/2009 Tema: Bebyggelsehistoria i digitala register
Läs artikeln:
- Baumert, Antonia, ”Från förhistorisk boplats till miljonprogram, − om bebyggelseutvecklingen på norra Järvafältet utifrån digitala Informationskällor”, Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift nr 58/2009, Föreningen Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift , 2009.
2. Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift nr 82/2022 Tema: Kulturmiljöns roll i samhällsplaneringen
Läs artiklarna:
- Kulturmiljöer- en oersättlig del av vår existens eller en onödig barlast, s. 4-7. (Alexandra Babos, Emelie Karlsmo & Anna Micro Vikstrand)
- Norrbottens riksintressemiljöer i förändring. Stadsmiljöerna Piteå, Svartöstaden, Malmberget-Koskullskulle och Kiruna 1970-2020, s. 8-32. (Jennie Sjöholm & Anna Elmén-Berg)
- Historia och kulturarv i Mälaräng - föreställningar om det förflutna i samtida stadsplanering, s. 65- 81. (Lucas Rabnor)
- Välfärdssamhällets vardagslandskap under press, s. 82-101. (Catharina Nolin)
C) Översiktsplanering
Gunnel Forsberg (red.) (2019) Samhällsplaneringens teori och praktik. Liber, Första upplagan
Läs följande delar:
- Del 1: Planeringens arbetsfält och verktygslåda
- Del 2: Planering för hållbar och rättvis framtid
- Del 3: Verklighet och visioner
- Del 8: Nordisk och europeisk utblick
I bokens övriga delar finns många kapitel som kan vara viktiga för era projektarbeten, här får ni välja 3-4 kapitel som berör planeringsfrågor som är aktuella i den kommun ni arbetar med.
Modul: Tillämpad landskapsanalys
A) Projektarbete
Tobias Noborn, Bengt Schibbye, Emily Wade, Mia Björckebaum, Emy Lanemo, John Askling, Oskar Kindvall (2017). Landskapet är arenan – Integrerad landskapskaraktärsanalys, en metodbeskrivning. Trafikverket
Per Stahlschmidt, Simon Swaffield, Jörgen Primdahl, Vibeke Nelleman. (2017) Landscape analysis – Investigating the potentials of space and place, Routledge
Läs framförallt: kap. 7 och 8 – stöd/inspiration i projektarbetet
Den framtida staden
B) Textseminarium 3: Reflektion över projektarbetet
Kløcker Larsen, R., & Raitio, K. (2023). Protected areas and Indigenous rights in Sápmi: an agonistic reading of conflict and collaboration in land use planning. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 25(3), 342-354.
Stephenson, J. (2008). The Cultural Values Model: An integrated approach to values in landscapes. Landscape and urban planning, 84(2), 127-139.
Watson, V. (2016). Shifting approaches to planning theory: Global North and South. Urban Planning, 1(4), 32-41.
Buijs, A. E., Elands, B. H., & Langers, F. (2009). No wilderness for immigrants: Cultural differences in images of nature and landscape preferences. Landscape and urban Planning, 91(3), 113-123.
Övrig referenslitteratur
(ej obligatorisk men bra information/inspiration)
Om landskapsanalys
Bengt Schibbye John Asklin, Mia Björckebaum, Sofia Löfgren (2016). Landskapsanalys för planeläggning av vägar och järnvägar – En handledning. Trafikverket.
Finns på Canvas.
Ulla Berglund et al. (2011) Om landskap och landskapsanalys för väg och järnväg – ett kunskapsunderlag med fokus på begrepp och exempel, Rapport nr 1/2011, Institutionen för stad och land.
Finns på Canvas.
Om planering och översiktsplanering
Jan Nyström och Lennart Tonell (2012). Planeringens grunder - en översikt. Studentlitteratur. Tredje upplagen eller senare.
Framförallt: kap 5 & 6
Europeiska landskapskonventionen
Om stadsbyggnad
Pile, S., Yazici, E., Cramer-Greenbaum, S., Keith, M., Murji, K., & Solomos, J. (2023). A progressive sense of place and the open city: Micro-spatialities and micro-conflicts on a north London council estate. Geoforum, 144, 103810.
Om historiska perspektiv
Elias Cornell (1977). Bygge av stad och land. Bokförlaget PAN/Norstedts.
Kapitlet om ”Medeltiden” finns på Canvas.
Olle Svedberg (1988). Arkitekternas århundrade – Europas arkitektur 1800-talet. Almqvist & Wiksell/Gebers förlag AB.
Kapitlet om ”Stadsplaneringen” finns på Canvas.
A. E. J. Morris (1994). History of urban form – Before the industrial revolutions. Henry Ling Ltd.
Kapitel 5 om ”The Renaissance: Italy sets a pattern” finns på Canvas.