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Forage - cultivation and feeding


Information from the course leader

Kursen har en obligatorisk träff som i år kommer hållas på Ultuna i Uppsala. Träffen kommer gå av stapeln den 4/9 kl. 9.oo till den 6/9 kl. 16.00. Skriv in i almanackan redan nu. Du kommer få mer information när du blivit antagen på kursen. På måndagar kommer vi att ha föreläsningar och ett seminarium på zoom kl.17.00-18.00. En viktig del av kursen är också instuderingsuppgifter som inte är obligatoriska men rättas av lärarna om man lämnar in dem.

Course evaluation

The course evaluation is now closed

LB0117-50001 - Course evaluation report

Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.

Additional course evaluations for LB0117

Academic year 2024/2025

Forage - cultivation and feeding (LB0117-10303)

2024-09-02 - 2025-01-19

Academic year 2024/2025

Forage - cultivation and feeding (LB0117-50006)

2024-09-02 - 2025-01-19

Academic year 2022/2023

Forage - cultivation and feeding (LB0117-10328)

2022-08-15 - 2023-01-01

Academic year 2021/2022

Forage - cultivation and feeding (LB0117-10307)

2021-08-16 - 2022-01-02

Syllabus and other information

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: Yes Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 76110 SEK Cycle: Bachelor’s level (G1N)
Subject: Agricultural Science Animal Science Agricultural science
Course code: LB0117 Application code: SLU-50001 Location: Uppsala Distance course: Yes Language: Swedish Responsible department: Department of Crop Production Ecology Pace: 25%