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Project and communication in the agrarian sector

This course prepares agronomy students for their future working life. Agronomists work in the agricultural system with fundamental global challenges related to food security, food safety, ethical and economic animal husbandry, future land use and sustainable rural livelihoods etc. The issues are complex, with many stakeholders and strong opposing opinions and interests. This is the reality that the course prepares these future experts, advisors, consultants or civil servants for. In the course students from all agronomy programmes interact and are given the opportunity to share different experiences and perspectives on the examples that are presented. Within the scope of the course we explore and take advantage of our differences to reflect upon what having differents perspectives and knolwedge on agriculture entails. The tool for handling different perspectives is communication. A substantial part of the course also contains working in projects. The aim of the course is that every student should be able to master tools for handling different roles and situations that professional agronomists meet.

Course evaluation

The course evaluation is now closed

LB0097-10113 - Course evaluation report

Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.

Additional course evaluations for LB0097

Academic year 2023/2024

Project and communication in the agrarian sector (LB0097-10080)

2023-08-28 - 2023-10-30

Academic year 2021/2022

Project and communication in the agrarian sector (LB0097-10253)

2021-08-30 - 2021-11-01

Academic year 2020/2021

Project and communication in the agrarian sector (LB0097-10196)

2020-08-31 - 2020-11-01

Academic year 2019/2020

Project and communication in the agrarian sector (LB0097-10157)

2019-09-02 - 2019-10-31

Academic year 2018/2019

Project and communication in the agrarian sector (LB0097-10154)

2018-09-03 - 2018-11-11

Syllabus and other information

Litterature list

Modul 1A: Agronom i arbetslivet och kommunikation i praktiken (v. 35 – 36)


Egidius, H. 2011. Etik och profession: i en tid av ökande privatisering och myndighetskontroll. Stockholm: Natur & kultur. Kap 1 (Några sidor på Canvas)

Klasson, T. 2010. Professioner i offentlig förvaltning: en lärobok för universitetens professionsutbildningar. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Kap 1, 5 (Kap 1 på Canvas)

Westin, M., Calderon, C., Hellquist, A. 2016. Att leda samverkan: En handbok för dig som vill hantera komplexa samhällsutmaningar. Lund: Mediatryck. Del II (s. 32-45).

Wilhelmson, L. & Döös, M. 2002. Dialogkompetens för utveckling i arbetsliv. Arbetslivsinstitutet. Västervik: AB CO Ekblad & Co. (Canvas)

Leeuwis, C. 2006 *Communication for Rural Innovation: Rethinking Agricultural Extension. *Oxford: Blackwell Science. Ch. 2 From extension to communication for innovation p. 22-39 (Canvas)


Campbell, 2008. Designing a Communications Strategy. Kap 6. (Canvas)

Eksvärd, K., Hallgren, G., Norrby. T. & Westberg, L. 2006. Gå en mil i mina skor… på väg mot samförvaltning. Working paper No. 8. SLU, Centrum för biologisk mångfald. Uppsala. (Canvas)

Höckert, J. & Ljung, M. Advisory Encounters towards a Sustainable Farm Development – Interaction between Systems and Shared Lifeworlds. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 19:3, 291-309.

KK-stiftelsen. Kommunikationsplanering – hur gör man? EN HANDBOK FRÅN KK-STIFTELSEN. ISSN 1652-5213 (Canvas)

Modul 1B: Miljökommunikations teori för agronomer (v. 37 – 38)


Nitsch, U. 2000. The art of environmental communication. Ur: Lundgren, L.J. (red.) *Knowing and doing. *Stockholm: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket). (Canvas)

Brulle, R. 2010. From Environmental Campaigns to Advancing the Public Dialog: Environmental Communication for Civic Engagement, Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, 4:1, 82-98.

Leeuwis, C. 2006 *Communication for Rural Innovation: Rethinking Agricultural Extension. *Oxford: Blackwell Science. Ch. 7 Communication and the construction of meaning pp. 117-125 (Canvas).

Hallgren, L. & Ljung, M. 2005. *Miljökommunikation. Aktörssamverkan och processledning. *Lund: Studentlitteratur. Ch. 2 (pp. 53 – 65), 4 och 5.


Cox, R. 2016. Advocacy Campaigns and Message Construction. I Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere. SAGE publications. Kap 1, 8. (Canvas)

Bergeå, H., Hallgren, L., Westberg, L. & Ångman, E. 2013. Dialogprocessen om allemans­rätten Underlag för utveckling av dialogmetodik och dialogkompetens. Rapport 2/2013, Stad och land. (Canvas)

Darnhofer, I., Gibbon, D. & Dedieu, B. 2012. Farming Systems Research: an approach to inquiry. Ur: Darnhofer, I., Gibbon, D. & Dedieu, B. (red.) *Farming Systems Research into the 21st Century: The New Dynamic. *Springer. (Canvas)

Hallgren, L. 2003. I djupet av ett vattendrag: Om konflikter och samverkan vid naturresurshantering. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae. Agraria 379, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala. (Canvas).

Jurin, R.R., Roush, D. & Danter, J. 2010. Environmental Communication. Skills and Principles for Natural Resource Managers, Scientists, and Engineers. Springer Science+Business Media. Kap 5-7. (Canvas)

Lakoff, G. 2010. Why it Matters How We Frame the Environment. Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, 4:1, 70-81.

Saarikoski, H., Raitio, K. & Barry, J. 2012. Understanding ‘successful’ conflict resolution: Policy regime changes and new interactive arenas in the Great Bear Rainforest. Land Use Policy 32 (2013) 271– 280 (Canvas)

Senecah, S. 2004. The Trinity of Voice: The Role of Practical Theory in Planning and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Environmental Participatory Processes. Ur: Depoe, S.P., Delicath, J.W. & Aepli Elsenbeer, M.-F. (red.) *Communication and Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making. *Albany: State University of New York Press, ss. 13-33. (Canvas)

Thurén, T. 2007. Vetenskapsteori för nybörjare. Stockholm: Liber. Kap 2, 5, 19 (Canvas)

Ångman, E., Buijs, A.E., Bergeå, H.L., Arts, I. & Verschoor, G. 2016. Emotions in communicative practices: Legitimation and de-legitimation in NRM conflicts in the Netherlands and Sweden. Ur Petersen, T., Ljunggren Bergeå, H., Feldpausch-Parker, A. & Raitio, K. (red*.) *Environmental Communication and Community - Constructive and destructive dynamics of social transformation. Routledge. ss. 184-203.

Modul 2: Interdisciplinärt Projektarbetet (välj vad känns intressant/relevant)

Projekt och processorganisation

Hallin, A. & Karrbom Gustavsson, T. 2015. Projektledning. Stockholm: Liber. ISBN 9789147114801

Blomberg, J. 2003. Projektorganisationen – kritiska analyser av projektprat och praktik. Malmö: Liber Ekonomi. Främst kap 1. (Canvas)

Eklund, S. 2009. Arbeta i projekt – individen, gruppen, ledaren. Studentlitteratur. (Delar finns på Canvas)

Verktyg för grupparbete

Falk, A. Verktygslåda för bättre möten. Skaparlust.

Glasl, F. 1999. Confronting Conflict. A first-aid kit for handling conflicts. Hawthorn press. USA.

Wheelan, S. 2010. Att skapa effektiva team. Studentlitteratur.

Weiner Thordarson, K. 2009. Professionellt bemötande. Att möta kunder i offentlig verksamhet. SKL kommentus.

Vanliga metoder

Eneroth, Bo (1987), Hur mäter man ”vackert”? Grundbok i kvalitativ metod. Stockholm: Natur och kultur, s. 9-37, 47-77 (58 s.)

Eriksson, Yvonne & Göthlund, Anette (2004), Möten med bilder. Lund: Studentlitteratur, s. 9-82 (73 s.)

Winther Jörgensen, Marianne & Phillips, Louise (2000),* Diskursanalys som teori och metod*. Lund: Studentlitteratur

Trost, Jan (2012), Enkätboken. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Thomsson, Heléne (2010), Reflexiva intervjuer. Lund: Studentlitteratur

Läsning för Projektövning 3: Problemformulering (Workshop 12/9):

  • Creswell, J. W & Creswell J. D. 2018. *Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. *SAGE: Thousand Oaks, California. Pp. 105 – 112, 117 – 122, & 133-136.
  • Leeuwis, C. 2006 *Communication for Rural Innovation: Rethinking Agricultural Extension. *Oxford: Blackwell Science. Ch. 19 Cooperation across scientific disciplines and epistemic communities p. 350-361

Modul 3: Reflektion och utvärdering (v. 43 – 44)


Svensson, L. et al. 2009. Lärande utvärdering genom följeforskning. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Kap 1, 4. (Kap 1 på Canvas)

Karlsson, O. 1999. Utvärdering – mer än metod. En översikt. Àjour. Svenska kommunförbundet.

Westin, M. och Hellquist, A. Den reflekterande samverkansledare.


Joosse, S., Powell, S., Bergeå, H., Böhm, S., Calderón, C., Caselunghe, E., Fischer, A., Grubbström, A., Hallgren, L., Holmgren, S., Löf, A., Nordström Källström, H., Raitio, K., Senecah, S., Söderlund Kanarp, C., von Essen, E., Westberg, L., & Westin, M. (2020) Critical, Engaged and Change-oriented Scholarship in Environmental Communication. Six Methodological Dilemmas to Think with. Environmental Communication, DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2020.1725588

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: Yes The course is offered as a programme course: Agriculture Programme - Animal Science Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 38060 SEK Cycle: Master’s level (A1N)
Subject: Agricultural Science Agricultural science
Course code: LB0097 Application code: SLU-10113 Location: Uppsala Distance course: No Language: Swedish Responsible department: Department of Urban and Rural Development Pace: 100%