Basic science - agriculture and animal science
Information from the course leader
Kursledningen har beslutat att nästa tillfälle att tentera modulen matematik och statistik blir den 29 januari -22. Tentamen kommer att ges på plats på Campus Ultuna klockan 9.00-13.00. Det är obligatoriskt att anmäla sig till tentamen via Ladok Student.
Anmälan öppnar i Ladok den 26 november. Sista dag för anmälan är 16 januari -22. Tentamenssal kommer att läggas in i anmälan ungefär en vecka innan tentan.
Har du problem med din anmälan eller andra praktiska frågor, kontakta
Course evaluation
The course evaluation is now closed
HV0141-10086 - Course evaluation report
Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.
Additional course evaluations for HV0141
Academic year 2019/2020
Basic science - agriculture and animal science (HV0141-10239)
2019-09-02 - 2019-10-31
Academic year 2018/2019
Basic science - agriculture and animal science (HV0141-10149)
2018-09-03 - 2018-11-11
Academic year 2017/2018
Basic science - agriculture and animal science (HV0141-10285)
2017-08-28 - 2017-11-05
Syllabus and other information
HV0141 Basic science - agriculture and animal science, 15.0 Credits
Naturvetenskaplig grundkurs - HusdjursagronomSubjects
Agricultural Science Animal Science Animal science Agricultural scienceEducation cycle
Bachelor’s levelModules
Title | Credits | Code |
Mathematics and statistics | 5.0 | 0202 |
Anatomy | 3.0 | 0203 |
Agricultural and animal science | 7.0 | 0204 |
Advanced study in the main field
First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirementsBachelor’s level (G1N)
Grading scale
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.
SwedishPrior knowledge
Knowledge equivalent to• Biology 2
• Physics 1a or Physics 1b1+1b2
• Chemistry 2
• Mathematics 4
The aim of the course is to give an introduction to higher education, the programme and a future professional role. Further, the systematics of the animal kingdom, evolution and anatomy with a specialisation in vertebrates with special emphasis on the most common domestic animal species are treated. A basis in mathematics and statistics relevant for biology is given. In collaboration with other agronomist programmes, the student obtains an insight in the profession of the agronomist, its history, labour market and possibilities.
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
Search, process critically and discuss scientific literature orally and written, under supervision,
Use relevant mathematical methods to solve biological and mathematical problems.
Show and analyze biological data in diagrams and tables by using relevant statistical software.
Explain basic probability theory, means and variation within the biological subject area.
Describe the anatomy of the most common domestic animals.
Explain the domestication process.
Describe, at a general level, the systematics and evolution of the animal kingdom with emphasis on vertebrates.
Describe, at a general level, the use of biological resources with a focus on agriculture and animal husbandry, and its importance in the society.
Describe the historical development of agriculture with a focus on the conditions of the animal husbandry.
The course covers basic evolution theory, evolutionary concepts, domestication, the anatomy tissues and organs of the most common domestic animals and basic mathematics and statistics. The course gives an introduction to ethical argumentation, sustainable use of natural resources, agricultural and rural history, the production branches of agriculture how agriculture shifts with the turning of the seasons. The teaching in anatomy is carried out in the form of lectures, demonstrations, wet dissections and group work .using animal tissues and organs. Teaching methods used in the course are student activating and include lectures, study visits, training in oral presentation and group assignments.
Compulsory components occur within e g exercises, seminars, group assignments and study visits. Within the course, the following general skills are trained: written and oral communication, analysis, problem-solving and critical approach.
Grading form
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.Formats and requirements for examination
Passed written and oral examination. Passed participation in compulsory course modules.
- If a student has failed an examination, the examiner has the right to issue supplementary assignments. This applies if it is possible and there are grounds to do so.
- The examiner can provide an adapted assessment to students entitled to study support for students with disabilities following a decision by the university. Examiners may also issue an adapted examination or provide an alternative way for the students to take the exam.
- If this syllabus is withdrawn, SLU may introduce transitional provisions for examining students admitted based on this syllabus and who have not yet passed the course.
- For the examination of a degree project (independent project), the examiner may also allow the student to add supplemental information after the deadline for submission. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Transitional provisions
• Exams: At least three retake sessions (renewed exams) must be offered within two years of the decision to cancel the course. • Compulsory elements: At least one opportunity for a retake session must be offered within two years of the decision to cancel the course.Other information
The right to participate in teaching and/or supervision only applies for the course instance the student was admitted to and registered on.
If there are special reasons, students are entitled to participate in components with compulsory attendance when the course is given again. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Additional information
Certain lectures are carried out in English. Costs for study visits can be added.Responsible department
Department of Animal Nutrition and Management
Further information
Grading criteria
Betygsskala: G/IG
Lärandemål, kursmoment och examinationsform:
Lärandemål |
Moment |
Examination eller motsvarande |
Delmoment |
Söka, granska och diskutera vetenskaplig litteratur inom husdjursvetenskap, i tal och skrift, under handledning |
Litteratur och filmer, projektarbete |
Inlämningsuppgifter individuellt och i projektgrupp, projektarbete |
3 |
Använda relevanta matematiska metoder för att lösa biologiska och matematiska problem |
Matematik |
Skriftlig tentamen i matematik |
1 |
Redogöra för biologisk data i diagram och tabeller genom att använda relevant statistisk programvara |
Statistik |
Datalab |
1 |
Redogöra för och tillämpa grundläggande sannolikhetslära som är relevant inomdet biologiska ämnesområdet |
Statistik |
Skriftlig tentamen i statistik |
1 |
Redogöra för de vanligaste husdjurens anatomiskabyggnad |
Anatomi |
Muntlig tentamen i anatomi |
2 |
Redogöra fördomesticeringsprocessen |
Föreläsningar, diskussion ochprojektarbete |
Gruppdiskussion och projektarbete. |
3 |
Översiktligt redogöra för djurvärldens systematik och evolution med tonvikt på ryggradsdjur |
Litteratur, föreläsning och diskussion |
Gruppdiskussion. |
3 |
Översiktligt beskriva naturbruk, med fokus på jordbruk och djurskötsel, och dess betydelse i samhället |
Föreläsningar, Tema 1-4, PRYO, studiebesök ”Produktionsdjur i praktiken” och i demoodlingar samt projektarbete |
Tema 1-4, studiebesök ”produktionsdjur i praktiken” samt studiebesök demoodlingar PRYO på gris och nöt. Projektarbete. |
3 |
Redogöra för lantbrukets historiska utveckling med fokus på animalieproduktionens villkor |
Föreläsningar, Tema 1-4 och projektarbete |
Tema 1-4 och projektarbete. |
3 |
Inlämningsuppgifter (individuella och i grupp), projektarbete med skriftlig och muntlig examination i grupp, deltagande vid obligatoriska moment, individuell salstentamen i matematik och statistik, individuell muntlig tentamen ianatomi.
För godkänt betyg krävs närvaro på samtliga obligatoriska moment, godkända inlämningsuppgifter, aktivt deltagande i projektarbete samt godkänd skriftlig och muntlig redovisning av projektarbete, godkända tentamina i matematik, statistik och anatomi.
Kursen rapporteras in i Ladok i tre delar; 1) Matematik och statistik, 5 hp 2) Anatomi, 3 hp och 3) Lantbruks- och husdjursvetenskap, 7 hp.
Litterature list
- Naturlig Matematik Författare: Staffan Rodhe, Inger Sigstam ISBN: 9789144020303 1) Biometri, Grundläggande biologisk statistik Författare: Ulf Olsson, Jan-Erik Englund, Ulla Engstrand ISBN: 91-44-04577-8 1) Kompendium i husdjurens anatomi Kommentar: Kompendiet kostar ca 150 kr och kommer finnas tillgängligt att köpa vid kursstart