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Consumer behaviour, food choice and sustainable food consumption

The course comprises lectures, seminars, exercises, workshops and project work.

The course covers in-depth theory in different thematic directions (consumer behaviour, quality experiences, learning, motivation, values and drivers in consumer choices and behaviours. A specific theme is consumer studies of both a qualitative and quantitative nature, including methods for sensory analyses.

The course maintains a sustainability perspective throughout, including assessment of how new consumer behaviours and sustainable consumption influence the actors in the value chain for food and how interactions in this chain can be altered, for example through new distribution channels, communication methods, processes for shared value creation and new pathways for encounters between producers and consumers.

Course evaluation

The course evaluation is now closed

FÖ0468-40077 - Course evaluation report

Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.

Additional course evaluations for FÖ0468

Academic year 2022/2023

Consumer behaviour, food choice and sustainable food consumption (FÖ0468-40035)

2023-03-22 - 2023-06-04

Academic year 2020/2021

Consumer behaviour, food choice and sustainable food consumption (FÖ0468-40139)

2021-03-24 - 2021-06-06

Syllabus and other information

Litterature list

  1. Consumer Behavior - A European Perspective Författare: Solomon, M et al. ISBN: 9781292245423 [ Consumer Behavior - A European Perspective] ( Kommentar: Note. Other editions of this book may also work fine.
  2. The psychology of food choice (available as CABI e-book, through SLU library) Författare: Shepherd & Raats (ed:s) [The psychology of food choice (available as CABI e-book, through SLU library)] ( Kommentar: You don't need to purchase this book. This book is available as e-book through the SLU library. Note that you must be logged in to the SLU network, either at the Campus network or through VPN
  3. Nudge - Improving decisions about health, wealth and happiness Författare: Thaler, R.T. and Sunstein, C.R. ISBN: 9780141040011, 9780300122237... and other editions [Nudge - Improving decisions about health, wealth and happiness] ( Kommentar: You will select one of the two books "Nudge" or "predictably irrational". This is a popular book introducing the concept of nudging. You can find cheap copies (around SEK 100.-) at most online book stores. Note that you will only need to read one of the two books "Predictably irrational" or "Nudge"
  4. Predictably irrational Författare: Dan Ariely ISBN: 978-0-06-201820-5 [Predictably irrational] ( Kommentar: You will select one of the two books "Nudge" or "predictably irrational". This is a popular book making you reflect on predictably irrational choices. You can find it at a low price at most online book stores (below SEK 100). You will choose whether to read this book or the "Nudge".

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: Yes Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 26165 SEK Cycle: Master’s level (A1F)
Subject: Food Science Business Administration Business Administration Food science
Course code: FÖ0468 Application code: SLU-40077 Location: Uppsala Distance course: No Language: English Responsible department: Department of People and Society Pace: 100%