Student unions

Last changed: 05 December 2024

SLU has eight student unions which represent the student's interests and work to ensure high-quality courses and programmes. The student unions are independent from the university.

Join a union

Union membership gives you the opportunity to influence the important work that your union is doing. It also gives you access to a broad spectrum of social activities such as events, parties and various students' societies.

Student unions and the law

Students have the right to influence the education at their university. Universities must endeavour to enable students to play an active role in the continued development of courses and programmes (Higher Education Act, Chapter 1 Section 4a). Students also have the right to be represented when decisions or preparations are made that are relevant to their education or the students' situation (Higher Education Act, Chapter 2 Section 7).

You will find information about how to become a member on the union's web sites or by sending them an e-mail. Use the links below.

Alnarp student union (ASK)

The Equine Science student union (HAS)

The equine science student union (HAS) (Only in swedish)

Strömsholm Riding School
Stallbacken 6

Union for students of agricultural and rural management (LMK) (Only in swedish)

Alnarps lantmästarkår
Box 47
230 53 ALNARP

Forestry university student union (SHS)

The Forest Management student union

Ultuna student union (ULS)

Ultuna student union (ULS) 

Box 7074, SE-750 07 UPPSALA

The Veterinary Medicine Association (VMF)

Sluss (Joint committee of student unions at SLU)

Sluss (Joint Committee of Student Unions at SLU) is a collaborative body for the students unions at SLU. Its primary task is to represent all students at SLU on general issues concerning the university. Sluss represents the students on the SLU Board and in the Vice-Chancellor's Management Group.

Sluss is independent from the university and has two full-time employees. Visit the Sluss website to find out more. Please note that Sluss only has information in Swedish.


Sluss - The Joint Committee of Student Unions of SLU

Phone: +46 70 466 97 74
Postal adress: Sluss, Box 7088, 750 07 Uppsala
Street adress: Birgittatorpet, Duhrevägen 5, Uppsala
Bankgiro: 5391-0709
Corporate ID number: 817603-0586
Contact about any financial matters.