FAQs about the suspension of students

Last changed: 18 June 2024

Occasionally, SLU can suspend students from studies. Here, you will find answers to questions related to the suspension period.

Why are students suspended?

Because they have not paid tuition fees on time

Students who are suspended because they have not paid all or part of their tuition fee will remain suspended until the balance is paid in full. Suspensions issued by the disciplinary board are in place for a fixed period.

As a disciplinary measure

Disciplinary measures such as suspension can be taken against students who: 

  • use prohibited aids or other means to attempt to cheat on an examination or any other assessment of their academic performance;
  • disrupt or obstruct teaching, examinations or other activities related to studies at the university;
  • disrupt activities at the university library or any other institution at the university, or
  • subject another student or member of staff at the university to harassment or sexual harassment as described in Chapter 1, Section 4 of the Discrimination Act (2008:567).

What can students do during a suspension period?

Students can conduct independent study. Students will be denied access to Canvas. Students may make sure they have the materials needed for independent study during their suspension period and to prepare tasks for future submission. The course components students miss during their suspension can be taken again during the resit period. Alternatively, the examiner will determine when the next examination session will take place for laboratory exercises, written assignments, etc.

What happens if the tuition fees are not paid on time?

Fee-paying students receive payment instructions and a final payment date. Students will be unable to register for new courses if SLU has not received their tuition fees payment. However, students can re-register for courses and submit supplementary documentation. Students will be sent a payment reminder that includes a new final payment date. If SLU does not received their payment on time, they will be suspended from their studies until the payment has been received in full.

How long will a student be suspended if they have not paid all or part of their tuition fees?

The student will be suspended until further notice. The suspension will be lifted once they have paid their tuition fees in full.

Are students who have not paid all or part of their tuition fees entitled to participate in courses that began before they were suspended?

No, the student will not be able to participate in any courses during the suspension period.

During their suspension, can a student contact their teachers for help and advice regarding their studies?

No, they are not allowed to contact their teachers about anything related to their studies.

Can a student attend classes/lectures while they are suspended?

No, they are not allowed to attend classes/lectures during this period.

Can a suspended student submit laboratory and practical assignments, or receive supervision etc.?

No, they cannot. If a student submits any work during their suspension, teachers must not assess or correct it, nor may teachers provide any supervision during this period. Furthermore, students will be unable to submit any examination tasks so they can be assessed once their suspension is over.

Are suspended students allowed to participate in an examination?

No, they must not take part in any form of examination, i.e., anything that will be used to assess their academic performance. This means that students are not allowed to participate in examinations, laboratory sessions, take-home examinations, written assignments, seminars, etc. However, students may register for examinations and courses scheduled for once their suspension is over. During their suspension, students will be unable to submit an examination task for assessment once their suspension is over.

Do degree/course certificates or information obtained from the register contain information that a student has been suspended?

The Ladok student registry will be locked during the suspension period, meaning it will not be possible to update results and registrations. The suspension will be visible in Ladok, however it will not be stated on transcripts and certificates or certificates downloaded from the Student Portal. Degree or course certificates will never include information about a student’s suspension.

What happens after the suspension period?

Study counsellors can provide support for students who need help with planning their studies after their suspension. Study counsellors are always notified about decisions to suspend students.

Who can find out if a student has been suspended?

The university is bound by the principle of public access to official documents, meaning anyone is entitled to access to almost all the documents held by the university’s registrar – including those from the disciplinary board. The registrar will have copies of the meeting minutes and other documents from the disciplinary board. The Higher Education Ordinance stipulates that the university bodies affected by the suspension and CSN must be notified when a decision to suspend a student is taken.

What will happen to student financing during the suspension period?

Once the decision has been taken to suspend a student, CSN will be notified. It is a good idea for the suspended student to contact CSN to avoid receiving incorrect payments.

Is a suspended student allowed access to the university’s premises?

Access cards and user accounts will still work, and students are allowed to be on university premises during their suspension.

Is it possible to register for an exam during the suspension period?

Yes, you can register for examinations that will be held after the suspension period. A student is unable to register for and participate in an examination being held during the suspension period.

Is it possible to register for courses during the suspension period?

It is possible to apply for courses that will start after the suspension period. It is not possible to register on new courses taking place during the suspension period.

Where can students go for support if they have been reported to the disciplinary board?

Students can contact the person on the board investigating/conducting the matter for more information about what happens in the event of a report and any suspension. Study guidance counsellors can help students with their planning going forward.

SLU also has student mediators who can provide help and support, and students can also contact the student unions and/or the Student Health Services.

How do I appeal against a decision?


How to appeal against a decision that concerns you

If you believe a decision is wrong, you can appeal against it.

The appeal must be done in writing and be addressed to the Higher Education Appeals Board. It should, however, be sent to Registrator SLU, Box 7070, 750 07 Uppsala. It should not be sent directly to the Higher Education Appeals Board.

You must ensure that SLU receives your appeal no later than three weeks after notification of the decision against which you are appealing.

Contents of the appeal

In your appeal, state the decision you want to appeal against and how you believe it should be changed. Enclose the actual decision document as this will facilitate the handling of your appeal. If you have documents that support your point of view, enclose them as well.

Sign the appeal and also add your name in block letters. Make sure to include your postal address, email address and phone number.

When you have appealed

Provided your appeal reaches SLU before the deadline, the university will investigate whether the decision should be changed. If the decision is changed, you will be notified. Your appeal will then be seen as concerning the new decision. SLU will send the new decision to the Higher Education Appeals Board together with the previous decision to ensure that the board gets an overview of the case.

If SLU does not change the decision, your appeal will be sent to the Higher Education Appeals Board together with the decision, all documents relating to it and a statement of opinion from SLU.

A decision must appealed in writing. In the appeal, the student must state which decision is being appealed and what change they request. The appeal must address the Higher Education Appeals Board, but submitted to SLU, Box 7070, 750 07 Uppsala. The appeal must have been submitted to SLU within three weeks from the day the student was made aware of the decision.


Study guidance at SLU

Our study counsellors can provide guidance via video meeting or by phone.
Book a meeting

Email: studyguidance@slu.se
Telephone: +46 (0)18 67 28 00, Monday 10-12, Tuesday 10-12, Thursday 13-15.

Contact person for suspension for disciplinary measure

Anna Jarmar, Legal Counsel
Vice-Chancellor's Office, Ledningskansliet
Box 7070, 750 07 Uppsala
Phone: +46 18-67 22 75

Contact person for suspension of unpaid tuition fees

Charlotte Walhed
Head of the Division of Educational Affairs
Box 7010, 750 07 Uppsala
Phone: +46 18-67 20 17