Rights and responsibilities

On this and the following pages, you will find general information about your rights and responsibilities as a student at SLU.
Here, we describe rights and responsibilities with regard to examinations, equal treatment, insurance, the student registry (Ladok), cheating and plagiarism. There are also introductions to the laws and ordinances that govern our activities and to SLU’s own control documentation. You will also find information about what you should do if there is anything you think is wrong or that does not work as it should.
What are my rights?
As a student, you have a right to an education based on a scientific or artistic foundation and on proven experience. Education must be of high quality and be provided in such a way that there is a close link between research and education. As a student, you have a right to exert influence over your education and to play an active role in the work to further develop your study programme.
To qualify as a student, you must be admitted to undertake studies at a higher education institution. Only admitted and registered students have a right to instruction. If you have been admitted to a study programme, this does not automatically mean that you are admitted to all courses that make up that programme. Your right to teaching and examination is specified in the course syllabus for each course. You can read about general issues relating to examinations under the heading Examination.
As a student, you also have a right to a good working and study environment, which, among other things, must be free from abuse and discrimination. Find out more under the headings Equal treatment and Working environment. You will also be able to submit your views and complaints if there is anything you think is wrong or which does not work as it should. You can appeal against some of SLU’s decisions. Find out more under the headings Course valuations and Complaints and appeals.
What are my responsibilities?
- Apply in time.
- Accept the place offered.
- Register on your course.
- Attend the start of the course.
- Let us know if you no longer want to study on a course or if you need a leave from studies.
- Be active in your studies.
- Differentiate between your material and that of others.
- Complete the course evaluation.
- Apply for a degree.
What do the students’ unions do?
The primary task of the students’ unions is to represent the students, promote their issues and have their point of view incorporated in the development of the courses and study programmes. The unions also work to ensure that all students have good conditions for their studies and that the years they spend studying are as good as possible. Find out more under the headings Student influence and Students’ unions.
What does SLU do?
SLU works to make your rights and responsibilities as clear as possible. One example is the Education Planning and Administration Handbook for education at first-cycle and second-cycle at SLU (the regulations for education). These contain a collection of the most important rules and guidelines for students and teachers. SLU works to actively promote a good working and study environment and for equal opportunities. Find out more under the headings Equal treatment.
SLU also actively works to combat cheating and plagiarism. SLU can take disciplinary action against those who cheat or who disrupt or obstruct activities at SLU or who subject another student or member of staff to harassment. Find out more under the heading Cheating and plagiarism.
What does the law say?
The Swedish Higher Education Act sets the parameters for activities at universities and university colleges. General laws, such as the Swedish Working Environment Act, Discrimination Act and Administration Act, are also of importance to students. There are also rules in addition to this in a number of ordinances and regulations. In many cases SLU decides on the local application of the rules. Find out more under the heading Laws and ordinances.