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Hello SLU-student!

If you missed applying for the spring courses, late application is now open.

Disruptions and support (in Swedish only)

  • Planerat driftstopp filserver Simpevarp 1/17/2025 3:33:47 PM

    Beskrivning: Filservern i Simpervarp skall migreras till Uppsala i samband med övergången till det nya nät 2.0 Ärendestatus: Aktiv Kommentarer: Uppdaterat tiden för driftstoppet. Ort: Simpevarp System: Filservrar Planerat: Ja Påbörjas: 2025-01-20 18:00 Beräknas avhjälpt: 2025-01-20 20:00 Akut: 3 Status: Planerad

New student? Welcome to SLU

The spring semester starts 20 January. Prepare your study start by reading our information for new students.

Career Connect - new career portal

Contact interesting employers and search for jobs. You can use the platform to learn more about working life and explore your future career options. There is an events calendar with an array of activities from careers fairs to webinars as well as employer profiles.

Students at SLU

Ban on candlelight - for everyone's safety

SLU has decided to ban the use of candles in all premises where the university conducts activities. The purpose of the decision is to prevent fire.

Student news

Student events
