
Current students and alumni from the Environmental Communication and Management programme met in Ultuna

Published: 29 October 2019

Recently, a WECAN meeting took place in Ultuna. WECAN is the network for current students and alumni of the Environmental Communication and Management programme at SLU.

- We hope to create a useful network for members with dynamic relations between education, research and practitioners, says Lucas McNabb, one of the initiators of the network

The founding ceremony invited everyone to listen in on the visions of the board and the ongoing research, as well as mingle, meet other professionals and enjoy a lighter snack.

WECAN is one of several similar programme networks within SLU that has started recently. The networks are very important because students and alumni get the opportunity to meet in a common arena. For students, these types of contacts are extremely important for their future working life.

Do you also want to start a programme network for students and alumni? Contact to get started.