
Drop-in for statistical advice with Statistics@SLU

Published: 18 September 2018

Are you working on a statistical analysis for your data or are you doing data processing prior to statistical modelling? Are you working with R? Do you feel that you sometimes would like to discuss your results or your programs with a statistician while working on it? Or do you get error messages you do not understand?

The Centre for Statistics at SLU (Statistics@SLU) is providing statistical support to researchers at SLU free of charge. We are now also providing drop-in consultations in Umeå, Alnarp and Ultuna.

This help is targeted at people  who know what they want to do, but could do with some help on the side.

If you have a more complex problem or need time to explain you data or program you are welcome to contact us in our regular 1 : 1 consultancy services (contact or a consultant at your campus). 


Bring your own computer!


Locations and time (Please check the Statistics@SLU website for updates of time and location):

Alnarp, every week on Wednesday afternoon, usually at 13.15 in the small Vegetum seminar room, Dept of Biosystems and Technology.

Umeå (focus on R programming rather than statistics): Aug 31, Sept 14, Sept 21, Oct 5, Oct 19, Nov 2, Nov 16, Nov 30, Dec 7; at 14.00 – 16.00 hrs in the room C350 at the Dept of Forest Ecology & Management. 

Ultuna (also support in SAS and JMP is given): every second Tuesday, 10:15-11:30 starting from Sept 25,in the fika/lunch room in the MVM building. Sept 25, Okt 8 (Monday!), Okt 23, Nov 6, Nov 20, Dec 4, Dec 18. 
