
Drop-in consultation in R, Umeå

Published: 03 September 2018

R-programming consultations will be held in Umeå, Room C 350, 14-16 hrs on the following dates 31.08, 14.09, 21.09, 05.10, 19.10, 02.11, 16.11, 30.11, 07.12.2018

Problems with R or never heard of it? Curious how you can get your calculations to run or even to automate? Automated scientific reporting? Interested in simulations? R and C++?

Have an exciting Friday afternoon with Prof. Arne Pommerening in seminar room C350 (Forest Ecology & Management).

Everybody welcome, from BSc student to professor, from total beginner to advanced R user. Bring your laptop.

Dates: 31.08, 14.09, 21.09, 05.10, 19.10, 02.11, 16.11, 30.11, 07.12.2018

Time:   14.00 – 16.00 hrs
