
The exchange studies at SLU led to a network of friends around Europe

Published: 23 April 2018

This weekend, about 15 international SLU alumni visited the university to celebrate their 10th anniversary of Erasmus exchange. Their time at SLU has had a big impact on all of them, both personally and professionally.

- My time at SLU opened the door to an international career. It made me feel more comfortable expressing myself in English and made me wonder how it would be to live abroad, says Miriam Robles, from Spain.

Today she lives in London and work as an environmental consultant. The consultant work is related to what she studied at SLU ten years ago.

- I basically help other companies and investors how to be more green in their work. Many of my clients I work with today are looking at what Sweden does in sustainability issues. So having studied at SLU and in Sweden is a great advantage in this field because of how advanced Sweden is in terms of environmental actions and initiatives, says Miriam.

Since the Erasmus exchange, the former SLU students are all still connected and have visited each other almost every year in the different countries they live in. The first year they met in Germany. After that it was Spain, Poland, and Italy and so on. This year they chose Sweden to celebrate that it was ten years ago they studied here. The friendship formed in Ultuna still remains strong.

- I think it is very much because we got such a good start at SLU. We were here almost a month before the term started and SLU organized many welcome activities that made us really get to know each other and become this amazing group, says Sonsoles Sanchez, who has been involved in organizing the reunion at SLU Ultuna.

During the "fika" Pablo Lopez Presa, who studied landscape architecture at SLU, tells what he thinks about the development of campus Ultuna. Today he work as an architect and run his own studio in northern Spain.

- It feels special to be back in Uppsala for this reunion and see how Ultuna has devolved. The buildings are impressive, especially Ulls Hus, which according to me is cutting edge in architecture, says Pablo, looking out on the sedum roof.