
VIVA-plan receives funding of 7.9 million SEK by Formas

Published: 10 October 2018

Formas, the Swedish Research Council for sustainable development, has decided to finance 24 research projects with a total of 125 million SEK. One of the granted applications, supported by SLU Urban Futures, comes from Christopher Raymond, SLU.

We asked Christopher to write a few lines about the research project”Nytt liv i mellan-rummen - en hållbar samverkansmodell för planering av grönstrukturen för social inkludering, biodiversitet och bättre folkhälsa”, also known as VIVA-PLAN.



VIVA-Plan aims to develop a sustainable spatial planning framework for revitalising in-between spaces for social inclusion, biodiversity and well-being, including safety and security.  In-between spaces comprise of a spectrum of green and grey infrastructure (and land ownerships), and enables both vulnerable and non-vulnerable groups to be engaged in discussions on access, belonging and entitlements to grey and green areas in cities.  Between 2019 and 2021, empirical research will be conducted in three study sites to include the district of Lindängen (Malmö), Mariekälla-Saltskog (Södertälje) and Urban Planen (West Amager, Copenhagen), with support from local stakeholders and the international reference sites of Winnipeg (Canada) and Utrecht (NL). VIVA-plan is a 7.9 million SEK project funded by Formas under the call of Syntheses and research projects for a sustainable spatial planning (part 2).  It builds on existing community visioning work supported by SLU Urban Futures and MOVIUM.