
The Securing Water for Food Grand Challenge for Development is seeking volunteer application evaluators

Published: 10 May 2016

The Securing Water for Food Grand Challenge for Development is seeking volunteer application evaluators to review incoming concept notes from water innovators from across the globe.

Evaluators will be responsible for concept note analysis and scoring of applications for SWFF Round 4, using SWFF’s established criteria. Key metrics include technical viability, applicability to developing countries, and business viability.

Grand Challenge application evaluators should be undergraduate seniors or graduate students with a background in water, agriculture, technology innovation, or business (particularly those in an MBA program).

Evaluators will be expected to participate in online training during August 8-August 15 (~4 hours total) and work 20 hours/week for 3 weeks on reviewing applicant eligibility and concept notes between August 15 and September 5.

Concept note review will end on September 5, 2016.

 If evaluators are interested in continuing to help the program with research, application support, and/or research on Round 4 winners, they may do so as long as there is mutual agreement to continue with SWFF intern coordinators.

Students can apply by sending a cover letter and resume to by July 13, 2016.